21: How can you marry a man you met...That day!

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RECAP because I'm an asshole author that hardly updates: Chat and Ladybug defeated Truthsayer and now Alya and Marinette are friends again. Lila is an even bigger beotch.

Also there is a DETAILED SEX SCENE if you are younger than thirteen or it may be too graphic for you please skip. I will mark the start and end.

Today was dress rehearsals. We would be practicing infront of the entire school, with no pauses. We had to be perfect.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" The child is playing youngest Anna sang.

I was nervous, knowing I'd be up in a few minutes.

"Relax," a voice whispered next to my ear, strong arms wrapped around my waist.

I lifted my head and looked up, only to see Luka looking down at me. He leaned in for a kiss, and in no time we were in a blissful lip lock.

"Okay, bye..." I heard the line finish form the 12 year old Anna and then it was my turn.

I spoke to the king and queen giving them each a hug before rushing to Elsa's door as a projector showed the boat sinking.

Then it was my turn.

Please I know you in there
People have been asking where you been

They say have courage
and I'm trying to
Just let me in

We only have each other
Its just you and me
What are we going to do?"

And then in the saddest voice I could muster, I sang," do you wanna build a snowman?"

The rest of the play went by fairly smooth, and I was able to avoid kissing adrien, because we never practiced the scene where they kiss, so I ended up I only kissing his cheek.

Afterwards a bunch of us went out to for a small celebration at this restaurant called UNO's.

They sold very fancy food here that most of the time we would never be able to afford, but with the promise of front row seats on opening night, the owner lowered his prices dramatically for us actors.

I ended up sitting between Alya and Luca.  Now that Alya and I were friends again we had so much to catch up on.

Under the table Luca and I held hands, and I could hear the pitter patter of my heart against my chest beating fast.

Afterwards Luca and I split off away from the group, finding ourselves at a deserted park.

We walked mostly in silence holding hands. It was nice, a little awkward but nice. My thoughts wandered to Adrien. If this was him instead we would have so much to talk about just because we had so much in common. I was dating Luca and the only thing I knew about him was that he liked to play guitar and had a band.

I looked up at him, going to ask if he had any other interests when his lips touched mine and we were in a seriously heated makeout session.

His hands slipped under my t shirt and grasped at the skin on my sides, the contact sending a shiver of pleasure throughout my body.
His hands moved up higher until they reached my bra, and then under.


He squeezed my boobs lightly, rubbing my tits with his thumb, causing them to go hard. I moaned into his mouth.

This.... felt good.

We stumbled backwards, falling oddly gracefully onto a bench, Luca onto of me.

Our kisses were hungrier and deeper. Our tongue were basically trying to tie a knot.

One of his hands slipped into my panties and he started to rub his fingers against my clit, making me wet down there.

My hands slipped up Luca's shirt and I was clawing his back, letting out small moans.

Two of his fingers entered inside of me and wiggled back and forth and my back arched.  I let out a cross of a whimper and moan. I was tight and it hurt, but at the same time it felt really good.

However, we were basically doing it on a park bench and I was not on birth control. This was not the right time or place to be doing this.

"Luca?" I whisper, pulling away from our lip lock.


"I think-"

"Shh," he cooed. "Don't think."

Before I knew it both of our pants were down to our ankles and Luca's dick was at the entrance of my vagina.

I meant to speak up. To tell him to stop. That right now was not the right time. But his lips were tight against mine, my head pressed hard against the bench.

And then he was inside. And it hurt so bad. I was to tight and he was to big.

I could feel the tears forming, and mily moans were now more so from pain then pleasure and were cries rather than moans.

I tried to push him away with my hands, and then with my knees, but he wouldn't stop.

I could feel the tears flowing down my face like a waterfall  I needed him to stop.


I bit down on his lip, so hard that I could taste his blood.

Luca pulled out with a yelp, and i scrambled to put my pants back on in mere seconds. And then I was stumbling, trying to run away.

I could hardly stand, it hurt between my legs, I wasn't sure I could walk.

Luca was looking away, cursing about his lip, so I decided I would risk it.

I whispered,"Tiki, spots on!" And swung away, all before he had the chance to look back.

I didn't stop crying, not even when I reached home and was hiding under my covers.

Not even Tiki's words of reassurance could help make me feel better. In fact I was embarrassed that she witnessed this whole thing.

After a while, I heard a light tapping noise come from my window.

It was Chat Noir. He had a huge smile on his face, but to be honest I was not in the mood.

I stumbled over, wincing in pain, and closed the curtain and just crumbled onto the floor into a heap of sobs.

It felt, like my world was over.

I heard more tapping, but I couldn't let him in.

I couldn't let anyone see me like this.

I was in pain and felt violated. How could I let this happen?

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