16: can I say something even crazier?

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It was Friday night after school and I was trying to get ready for my date with Luca.
Alya still wasn't talking to me, so instead of having her input on my date,  Alix and Mylene were here.
"What happened to Adrien? I thought he was the love of your life." Alix said, eating a cookie from the platter I had stolen from my family's bakery.
"He is!" I answered immeadiately, thinking of mine and adriens kissing whenever I go see him as ladybug. But, I can't really have a relationship with him as a superhero, so I really need to go see him after my date with Luka and tell him that we can't keep seeing each other like that.
"Then why go out with Luka?" Mylene asked.
"I-I just like to keep my options open." I objected.
"Okay..." Alix said, but gave me a look and tho she didn't believe me.
By the time I was finished putting myself together, my hair was put into a half ponytail and I wore a pair of Jean shorts and a gray Jagged Stone crop top. I paired the entire outfit with some white high tops.
"Marinette!" I heard my father call out, letting me know Luka was here.
"You look great." Mylene assured me.
Alix nodded her head in agreance and I walked downstairs to see luka wearing a pair of black Jean's and a white Jagged Stone tshirt.
"Haha, were matching." I giggled.
"Just like last time." He smiled at me.
After we said goodbye to my parents we got into his blue mustang.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"Its a surprise."
We rode in a comfortable silence, until he pulled to a stop at a lake.
"Follow me," he ordered grabbing my hand and leading me to a dock that had a cute little row boat tied to it with a picnic basket sitting on the inside.
Luka helped me into a boat, and began rowing us deeper into the lake.
"Wow, this is beautiful." I commented as we watched the sunset on the lake.
"Yeah," Luka agreed, finally putting the paddles down, stopping the boat roughly in the center of the lake.
We made small talk as we ate the food that Luka had packed, witch was a couple of subs, cookies and some chocolate covered strawberries.
And then we just started kissing.
I'm not sure what started it.
Maybe it was because we were close in the small boat.
Maybe it was because we ran out of words to say.
Or maybe it just felt.....right.
We were passionately making out and then the boat, as if tired of our kissing, tipped over.
I was gasping for air when I resurfaced.   Luka was only a few feet away from me, and when we looked at each other, we burst out in laughter.
"I really like you." Luka said after a moment.
"I like you to." I said smiling at him.
And I meant it. I mean he was no Adrien, even kissing Adrien was different then kissing Luka.
But this-what me and Luka had- this was nice. It was reassuring, wonderful, and it felt safe.
"Marinette?" Luka asked.
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"
I paused. Was he being serious? I felt my stomach flutter at the thought.
Luka Couffaine's girlfriend.
Everyone new that Luka didn't date. Sure he had hook ups, but dating? He had never asked someone to be exclusive with hime before.
Luka Couffaine, the hot bad boy player of Paris, France, asked me out.
And before I could stop myself, I said, "Yes".
"Tiki, spots on!" I said, then climbed put of my bedroom window. It was 11 PM, but I had to go talk to Adrien.
I was dating Luka now and I can't continue seeing Adrien, even as my alter ego.
I tapped on Adrien's window and he let me in almost immeadiately.
"Ladybug!" He said happily as I climbed in through the window.
"Hi, Adrien." I replied.
He made a move out to kiss me, but I put my arm out, stopping him.
"What's the matter?" He asked confused
"I have a boyfriend. My real self does, and what we have needs to stop." I blurted out.
"What? When? Why?" He asked, hurt in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, it's just, what we have isnt really real," I said, then cringed. That sounded bad, even if it was true.
"Please...no..." he whispered.
"Bye Adrien. I hope you find someone else that you can be with, any time, anywhere, and someone that can let you see who they really are."
And with that I left.
I didn't look back and I went home.
I flew in through my window and flopped onto my bed, uttering, "Tiki., spots off."
I felt miserable and like the worst person on the planet. And yet I was happy and all fuzzy inside.
It made my head spin.
"You did the right thing, Marinette." Tiki  told me.
"Yeah, but I still feel bad."
The qwuami gave me a hug, and we both fell asleep, just like that.

I feel terrible for not updating on forever, but also accomplished because I finished writing another book, so you can expect updates more frequently!
Please dont forget to vote and comment!
Love you all!
xoxo coauthurname

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