22: Ice Master and Deliverer

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Tonight would be opening night, and I knew I had to go to school.

In between my legs hurt so bad, walking was difficult, and I also found out that I was bleeding there as well.

Not to mention that I was tired. Because of the pain, I hardly got any sleep.

But I couldn't miss the play.

I winced as I struggled out of bed, and even though it was killing me with pain, I forced myself to walk upright.

"Marinette, call in sick. It is not worth it." Tiki advised.

"I can't, there are too many people counting on me for this."

"You have an understudy. Please just let her take over!"


For the first time in a long time, I asked my mom and dad for a ride to school, which they happily obliged to.

"Hey Mari!" Alya waved to me as I took my seat in the back. Even though Alya and I were best friends again, Ms. Busier still had me and Chloe next to each other.

"Hey," I said, trying my best to mock my usually cheerful voice.

"So where did you and Luka go last night?" Alya asked.

Just the sound of his name made me wince at the memory of what happened between us.

"Nothing. I went home." I replied.

"Marinette!" I heard Adrien call. He was out of breath running towards me.

"Adrien? Are you okay?" I asked, wondering why he was in such a hurry.

"I could ask you the same question. Last night- I mean you didn't answer my texts."

I looked down at my phone and sure enough I had plenty of missed calls and texts from Adrien.

"Whoops. I must of had it on silent." Actually I've been ignoring my phone all together because Luka has been blowing it up as well.

"Oh, okay." Adrien looked like he wanted to say something else, but didn't.

Class went on as usual and it wasn't until lunch until Luka approached me.

I was with Alya and Nino and I couldn't stop myself from flinching when h we stood infront of me.

"Hey, we need to talk."

"There is nothing to talk about."

"Ooh, trouble in paradise?" I heard Alya comment to Nino. If only she knew what had happened she wouldn't be joking about it.

"Please! I'm sorry"

"She said no." Adrien had come up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder protectively.

I could feel the familiar rush of heat rush to my face. I still had a crush on the model.

And then I shook my head. Luka just showed me what guys were all about. How could I even picture myself with a guy right now or wish for something more than just friends?

I slunk away, Luka and Adrien arguing and Nino and Alya were to busy waiting to notice my disappearing act.

I made my way to the theater, where we would be spending the rest of the day practicing for opening night.

Mrs. Jean was yelling at one of the set designers, and when she walked in, she marched over to me.

"You need to tailor Elsa's dress; its too short. And Younger Kristoph somehow managed to get a hole in his costume that needs to be fixed.

"On it." I grimaced going over to fix Kristophs first.

"Marinette, Adrien is here. I need you to practice the kissing scene!"

"Coming!" I yelled as I finished up on the hole.

I hobbled over to where Adrien was, trying my best to hide the weird way I was walking, due to the pain in between my legs.

"Marinette, are you okay?" Adrien asked, concern filling his eyes and worry spilling out of his mouth.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be." I replied, shrugging my shoulders as if I had no problem in the world. However I could not look him in the eyes because that was the biggest lie I have ever told.

"Okay....and action!" Mrs. Jean yelled before Adrien could prod at me any further.

Adrien gave me a look before getting into position.

"What? That's not a thing." He stated, but gave me an adoring smile. Normally I would have been screaming in the inside in joy. Adrien Argeste just gabe me an adoring smile! But right now it pitted a queasy feeling in my stomach.

"Sure it is." I replied waving his notion away. It was nice to be acting. It gave me a getaway from the world I was currently in."it even has cup holders!" I pointed out enthusiastically. "Do you like it?"

"Like it?" Adrien smiled, taking a step closer to me, his arms reaching out to pick me up.

Old me would have closed the distance in a heartbeat, but images of last night raced into my head, and I could feel my face fall into something like terror as I took many steps back.

The last thing I saw before turning and running away (well limping very fast because I still hurt) was the confused and worried look on Adriens friend.

I ran out into the hall, desperately trying to find a place to hide.

I could hear Adrien calling after me, and I knew that he was not very far behind.

I turned into the girls bathroom and locked myself into the stall.

And then the tears just flowed out of my eyes.

When did my life take such a turn for the worse?

A familiar looking black butterfly flew in to the stall, and I recognized it immediately.

"No no no, please God no." I begged trying to scramble away from it.

I had enough issues at the moment. And if I got akumatized Ladybug wouldn't be able to save anyone, because well I'm Ladybug. And Chat noir can't cleanse an Akuma.

However the innocent looking, yet extremely dangerous butterfly fluttered towards me and had me cornered.

I realized I still had the needle that I used to see the Kristoph costume in my hand, and I tried to stab at it with that, but I failed miserably. The Akuma landed on it and Hawkmoths voice filled inside my head and I collapsed onto the ground.

An innocent girl, attacked in the most brutal and disrespect, who also has to live up to insane expectations. Now you cower in fear and stress about what what life will throw your way next. I can offer a way out.

"Stop!" I begged. But My voice was weak. A way out did sound nice.

I can give you the power to seek revenge and put unto others what you have to go through. Hawkmoth promised. All you have to do is being me Chat Noir and Ladybug's miraculous.

A darker part of me wanted to accept, but I couldn't. Ladybug wouldn't be able to save the day this time.

"Please, no!"

Rise, Screamstress. Let the world crumble and fall having deal with the pain you release onto them!

"Sounds like a plan, Hawkmoth." I felt myself smirk and stand up.

All the fear and stress ebbed into anger and vengeance.

And then I fell into the dark.

A|n next chapter will be in Adriens POV!!!

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