14: Go away ana

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"We totally nailed this." Chloe smirked as we walked into my room.
I had just finished interviewing Chloe at her place and now it was her turn to interview me at my house.
"Dont get too excited. You still have to interview me. " I told her.
"Right." She said peering into my room. "Gosh. What's with all the fabric? " She asked as I set up the camera.
"I'm making costumes for the musical, remeber?"
"Oh yeah. " She said, sitting down on my bed.
"Okay, first question. " I said sitting down on the bed across from her.
"What is your favorite color. " She asked, a pen and paper suddenly appearing in her hands.
"Seriously? That's the best you can come up with? "
Chloe rolled her eyes. "Fine. I will ask the next one. "
"What do you do in your free time?" She asked.
"Well I like to design and sew clothes, play video games, help out in the bakery, and hanging out with my friends. " I answered.
"What an amazing life. " Chloe said sarcastically. "
I glared at her.
"I mean how about you show me your designs. " Chloe replied I mock cheer.
I sighed but pulled out my sketchbook and started to flip through the pages.
"Wow. They are so interesting. " Chloe commented looking at her nails.
"How many of them have you actually made."
"A couple. "
Chloe rolled her eyes uninterested.
Why did she have to be my partner?
The whole time I was at her house I payed attention as she blabbed about her ginourmous bedroom and her name brand designer clothes.
"I'm going to go get cookies, don't touch anythong. "
I walked down stairs. I need a break from the Queen Bee.
"Your doing good, Marinette. " Tiki smiled encouragingly.
"I would be doing so much better if Chloe wasn't here. " I said.
I grabbed a plate of cookies and headed back to my room.
"I'm back. " I said.
Chloe didn't respond. Instead she was looking inside my closet a mix of surprise and awe on her face.
"Oh. My. Gosh. " She said, pulling out the dress I had worn to the heroes ball.
"I can explain-"
"Well duh. It's obvious. You designed the dress for Ladybug. That is super cool!" Chloe said her voice coming out like a squeal.
"Yeah, I guess. " I said scratching the back of my neck. I was relieved she hadn't figured out that I was a super hero.
"Can I try it on? Pretty please? " Chloe begged.
It was my turn to be shocked. Chloe just said please. She was using manners.
"Be my guess.. "
She squealed really loud and I had to cover my ears.
In no time she was spinning around, decorated in the full ensemble, mask and all.
"Can you take a few pictures? " Chloe asked throwing her phone to me. I caught it and watched her stupefied.
She stopped and looked at me. "What? " She asked. "Don't worry I'm not going to post it or anything or show anyone. I know Ladybug wants to keep her privacy and her identity a secret and everything. "
"Um, okay.. " I said.
And began snapping picture after picture. She strutted down my bedroom floor like it was the stage of afashion show.
I started to giggle as she made funny poses and we were soon both laying on the ground rolling in laughter.
"I have a question. " Chloe blurted.
"Ask away. " I told her.
"Did you really mean it when you said I was good? About my acting. "
"Yeah, you were great, except for the part where you refused to hug me. "
"Really? " Chloe asked. "Everyone thinks I'm so full of myself and that I lack any sort of talent because of it. It's just so irritating. "
"You were great. " I reassured her.
"I guess you weren't too bad yourself."
"Thanks Chloe. " I said accepting the only thing close to a compliment the girl would probably ever give.
The two of us found ourselves talking about our families, friends, and even crushes. And then Lila.
"Who does that girl think she is, blaming me for her crap? Like that is something a middle schoolers would do. God. " Chloe said referring to the incident that Lila pulled.
"I know right? She even took Alya and Nino away from me. I don't know why anyone would fall for her pathetic lies. I've proven them wrong on multiple occasions. "
"And even Sabrina thinks she is soo cool. She is totally not."
"I mean I don't understand why anyone could believe a liar like her. "
"Yeah, no one "travels" As much as she does. "
"My point exactly! "
There was a knocking on my door and my father picked his head in.
"Sorry to interrupt, but supper is done. Chloe will you be joining us? "
"Uh.. " She said looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders, it was up to her.
"Sure.. My driver won't be here until 6."
"Uh, Chloe, it's eight. " My father informed her.
The two of us looked at each other in shock. Had that much time already passed.
"What, really? Oh well he can wait a little while longer. " Chloe said. I laughed and she joined in.
It was 9:30 by the time Chloe left.
"We are not friends or anything, so don't get any crazy ideas, but we could do this again sometime if you wanted to. " Chloe said.
"Sure, I'd like that." I told her.
Then she was gone.
I went back up to my room and realized the camera was still rolling. We had almost six hours worth of footage from my house plus another hour and a half of footage from Chloe's place.
There was no way we could show the entire class our conversation.
I texted Chloe.
Mari: The camera caught our entire conversation, about 7 and a 1\2 hours
Chloe: ooh good, that means we'll get an A for sure
Chloe: wait people can't know I spent that much time with you
Chloe: or anything we said.
Mari: yeah, delete it?
Chloe: yeah. Immediately.
The next morning I made my way to school. Chloe was already sitting in the back. I sat next to her.
And neither of us complained.
Class started and people began presenting their recordings.
We were so going to fail.
"Marinette, Chloe, your turn. " Ms. Busier said.
"Umm, we can't present. " I said.
"Why not? "
"We deleted our, uh, recording. " Chloe said.
"How come? "
We looked at each other, unsure of how we should answer that.
"Face it, they didn't do it. " Lila said.
"We did too-" Chloe started.
"Sure. Everyone knows you don't do any work." Lila scoffed, cutting her off. Chloe huffed, angry.
"Hey!" I said, sticking up for Chloe. "Chloe actually suggested we do more work than what was originally assigned. And we did it. But our conversation went a little deeper than just asking what each other's favorite color is. And we didn't feel comfortable sharing that with the entire class. " I said to Lila.
And for the first time, Lila was speechless.

A\N I am so sorry for not updating in forever! I am currently writing another story about the zombie apocalypse and for those anime lovers, I was catching up on the new season of fairy tail and started watching Black clover.
But next chapter there will be some Lukanette and Marichat and also some Ladrien action.
Until next time,
Xoxo ocelot101

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