13: somebody has got to tell him

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It was after my patrol with Chat, that I felt the sudden urge to see Adrien.
I haven't spoken to him as Ladybug since our kiss.
I peered into one of his windows and was surprised to see him laying on his bed talking to seemingly no one.
I tapped on his window gently.
He looked at me and his face lit up.
I thought I saw a black thing dart across his room but it could have been my imagination.
He let me into his room.
"Ladybug." He said with adoration.
"Um... Hi Adrien. " I replied, blushing.
"Haven't seen you in a while. " He chuckled.
"Yeah, I've been busy doing hero stuff you know.... " I giggled nervously.
"Trust me, I understand. " Adrien said, gazing into my eyes.
I was captivated.
And then we were kissing.
We stayed like that for a long time until Nathalie called for Adrien to stop all the racket and go to bed; he has school in the morning.
"Wow. That's embarrassing. " Adrien said blushing.
I giggled.
He was so cute when he blushed!
"I should uh get going. " I said, still giggling.
"See you later? " He suggested.
"Yeah, definitely. " I replied turning away.
He spun me around and gave me one last kiss before I ran off.
I made my way home and flopped on my bed. It was 11 pm when I swung into my room.
"Tiki, spots off. "
"Somebody looks happy. " The red and black spotted kwami commented as I crawled into bed.
"Yeah..." I sighed.
I woke up the next morning late for school.
"I'm glad to see your one days of coming in early have come to a stop. " Ms. Busier commented dryly as I tried to sneak into the classroom.
"Sorry." I told her as the class snickered at me.
I looked around and was dismayed to see that Lila was in my spot next to Alya.
Alya avoided my gaze, and I was forced to sit at the back of the class.
"Okay, now that Marinette is here we can start today's activity. You will be partnering up with the person next to you. Any questions? "
"Ms. Busier, " I spoke raising my hand. "I don't have a partner. "
Wow. That sounded weird coming out of my mouth.
"That's okay. Sabrina is not here today. You can be Chloe's partner."
"What?!" The two of us exclaimed, standing up at the same time. "I can't work with her! "
"Why not? " Ms. Bustier asked.
"She doesn't do anything in groups. She doesn't even do her own work on independent assignments. " I told her.
"Do too! Well...sometimes." Chloe said. "Plus Marinette is a pain to work with. "
"Well in that case....you guys will be partners for the rest of the semester and you two will sit in the back there for class each day. Together. " Ms. Bustier stated.
"No buts about it. Everyone get to work. " Mrs. Bustier commanded.
"Whthfck." Chloe mumbled as she approached.
"I'm not happy about it either. " I assured her as she sat down at the edge of the bench.
"What are we supposed to do anyways. I wasn't here when she was explaining the activity." I said to Chloe.
"Sounds like a you problem."
"It's also your problem. We are partners. "
"You had to remind me. " Chloe rolled her eyes.
I rolled mine too.
"So what are we supposed to do? "
"Create a questionnaire or something. Honestly I quit listening after she group project. "
"Gah... Okay I can fix this. "
"Of course you can. " Chloe said, cocky.
I raised my hand.
"Yes Marinette. " Ms. Bustier said, coming over to me and Chloe.
"I'm not sure if we fully understand the project. Could you walk us through the steps? ";;
"There are no steps Marinette. You must simply create a list of questions you wish to ask each other. Then ask each other. I want recorded responses."
"Ooh! We should make a mini movie out of ours! We could totally get footage and stuff. If course I would be the star." Chloe suggested as our teacher walked away.
"We might as well become movie stars while were at it." I suggested sarcastically.
"Good idea. " Chloe replied missing my sarcasm. " She might even give us extra credit. "
I stopped and thought a moment.
"That's actually not a bad idea. " I told her. Being Ladybug has caused a strain on my grades. Extra credit would help bring up my grades from a lowly B to a possible A or at least an A-.
"Good. My house. After rehearsal. "
"Wait what? Why so soon? "
"I don't like to procrastinate. " She said cracking a smile.
And for the first time that day, so did I.
"Okay. The premiere is three weeks from now, the dress rehearsal four hours before. Everyone seems to be coming along fine, but Marinette I need the rest of the costumes."
"Oh, yes. I have the outfits for all the elementary and middle school leads, Kristoff, Hans, Olaf, the covering for the Sven mascots, and most of the minor characters. "
"Good. Keep up the hard work. "
Rehearsal went by smoothly and I was on my way to Chloe's when I was stopped by Adrien.
"Oh-um Adrien. Hi. " I stuttered.
"Hi, Marinette. " I was wondering how you were doing. I haven't really spoken to you much since I cancelled our, uh, date. I hope your not upset at me "
"I'm fine, really. And about the date, it's no worries at all, honestly. In fact I cancelled it first."
"Yeah, but that was so I could go with Chloe to the Heroes Ball. I feel bad. It's just that this girl I have been in love with for years was there."
"Really? " I asked confused. It couldn't be Ladybug he was talking about, could it. Ladybug hardly had any interaction with the model. But I guess everyone has known Ladybug for years in a sort of sense.
"Yeah. We danced all night, and I even kissed her. It was awesome. And I knew that she was the one, and I'm really sorry, but I can't go on a date with another girl after that. It wouldn't be right."
"Adrien, it's okay really, I understand. I'm okay with just being friends, bit may I ask, who is she? "
"Well... You probably won't believe me. "
"Try me. "
"You have to keep it a secret though. It's Ladybug. "
"As in the superhero Ladybug? "
"Is there any other? "
"I guess not." I said smiling
Thanks Marinette. I'll see you around." He smiled at me.
"Yeah, and your secret is safe with me. "Good." He replied before walking away.
God, I wish I could tell him.

A\N I know this is a few days late, but Merry Christmas, Happy Hannika (not sure if I spelt this right please do not be offended) or Happy holidays in general. And I wish you all an amazing new year!

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