5: can I say something crazy

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Today was Friday. We had been practicing the play for two weeks now, and I enjoyed acting with Adrien, Celeste, and Luca. And everyone else as well. Right now I am rehearsing the seen where Hans proposes to Ana.
"Can I say something crazy? " Luka asked me.
I nodded my head encouragingly.
Luka got down on his knees and looked at me, his eyes filled with hope.
"Will you marry me? "
"Can I say something even crazier? " I asked.
He nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes! "
"And scene. " Mrs.  Jean said.  "Very good you two. But I want to go back and rehearse from the being of The First Time in Forever."
"Ok." I said,  as Luka left the scene. It bothered me that she jumped around scenes all the time instead of just practicing in order.  But oh well.
I started to sing the song strutting and spining across the stage in glee.
I was marching happily at the end of my song when I was hit by a horse (well it was Luka riding a stick pony)
I fell into an imaginary boat,  and picked a pretend price of seaweed from head.
"Hey!" I said angrily
I'm sorry. Are you hurt." Luka asked concerned.
"Hey. I-ya, no. No. I'm okay." I said stumbling over the words.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I just wasn't looking where I was going. But I'm okay." I said shyly.
"Actually, I'm great. " I smiled at him,  using a more confident voice.
"Oh thank goodness. " Luka said,  offering me a hand and helping me to my feet.
Luka bowed, than said,  "Prince Hans.  of the Southern Iles.
I curtsied, " Princess Ana of Arendelle."
"Princess?... My lady. " Luka said,  kneeling.
We had to pretend the little stick pony kneeled as well.  Luka fell on top of me (it was more of a tackle) and I hit my head on the stage floor.
Everyone watching us rehearsed started whispering"I hope she's okay" or "wow that must hurt".
"Hi.... Again. " I winced in pain. My head really hurt.
"I'm sorry,  are you ok?" Luka whispered in my ear before leaning back,  pretending that the horse had straightened out the boat, and I leaned into him.
I was on top of Luka now.
How awkward
"I'm fine. " I whispered back before saying my lines.
"Ha,  this is awkward.  Not you're awkward, but because were- I'm awkward. You're gorgeous. Wait,  what? "
Luka helped me up, a smile on his face.
"I'd like to formally apologize to the Princess of Arendelle for hitting her with my horse...and for every moment after. " He said apolgetically.
"No. No-no.  It's fine.  I'm not that princess. " I insisted.  "I mean if you hit my sister Elsa, that would be yeash!" I petted an imaginary horse. "Hello" I said to the horse,  then I turned to Luka.
"But lucky you it's just me. " I said looking at the ground.
"Just you? " He replied.  I looked up lost in his gaze.....
"Good job everyone. Well done you two.  I think we'll need to practice the boat part a little more, but overall good.  I will see everyone after school Monday,  and Marinette,  I'm going to need the costumes soon." Mrs.  Jean said,  dismissing everyone.
"You got it! " I said, picking up my bag, and started walking over to Alya,  Adrien,  and Nino.  We were all going to Nino's place to play some video games.
"Hey, Marinette? "
I turned a round and saw Luka.
"Are you okay, I didn't mean to-"
"Oh no. It's okay. I'm fine. " I smiled at him,  although my head was throbbing.
"A, well good. " He said.
I turned around, ready to meet up with my friends.
"Actually, Marinette, " Luka said.  I turned back around. 
"My friend is throwing a party, I was wondering if you'd wanna come. "
"Oh, um sure! When is it?"
"Tonight at ten."
"I'll pick you up at 9:30 then."
"Yea, see you then. " I said as Luka walked away.
"Omg girl,  you just scored a date with Luka Couffaine. And the parties that he goes to are totally exclusive. Way to go. " Alya cheered. Nino rolled his eyes,  and Adrien wore an unreadable expression.
"I thought we were all going to hang out at Nino's" Adrien said.
"Yea,  we can still do that.  I mean the party isn't until 10." I said.
"Yea,  Marinette is right. C'mon let's go. " Alya said heading out the door.
We all followed.
"So what are you going to wear?" Alya asked.
We were at Nino's house.
"Uh..... " I replied.
"How about hair? You should change it from the usual pigtails. "
"Uh...... "
"I thought we were playing video games. " Nino said annoyed.
"Yea. Nino's right. We didn't come here to talk about me. " I said.
"Yea I am right.  Plus those parties aren't all that. " Nino said
"Oh shush it. How do you know?" Alya said, then turned to me. "He's just trying to guilt trip you out of the best night you might ever have."
"What's going on? " Adrien asked,  coming back from the bathroom.
"Nino is trying to talk Marinette out of going to that party."
"What a shame. " Adrien said dryly.
"My god what's the matter with you two.  I bet your jealous that you don't get to go." Alya said.
"No way! " Both of the guys exclaimed.
"Those parties aren't really safe. " Adrien said.
"Yeah, there's a hunch of ileagle stuff there. " Nino explained.
"Whatever. Come on Mari." Alya said walking to the door.
"Where are we going? " Marinette asked.
"Your place,  we have a party to get you ready for. "
"How do I look? " I asked Alya spinning in a circle.
I wore a red skirt that had black netting over the top.  I had on a black halter top with my signature at the bottom left side of the shirt written in red.  I had it all paired with black flats and a red and black scrunchie that held my hair up in a bun. I of course, had designed the outfit.
"You look amazing. "
"What if Nino and Adrien are right? What if the party isn't safe?" I said.
"Then you call me. " Alya said,  handing me my bag and phone.
"Okay.... "
"Marinette, your date is here! " My father yelled for me.  I blushed. This wasn't a date,  was it?
I looked at Alya nervously, then headed down stairs, ready to party

Okay here is a little something extra!!! May or may not make the next chapter more understandable.

Adrien and Nino tried to play some more video games, but their hearts weren't in it.
"I don't get why Alya wants Marinette to got to that party so bad.  It makes no sense. " Nino said.
"Yea. And Marinette wouldn't last a second in that party.  There's some pretty sketchy people that go to those. I'm worried about her. " Adrien said.
"Look dude, Alya updated her  Ubook ( a

this worlds Facebook). " Nino said.
Nino then proceeded to show the post to Adrien.
It had a picture of Marinette, wearing a skirt and halter top and her quality pigtails were up in a bun, next to Luka who wore a pair of ripped jeans, a red shirt, and a black leather jacket. The picture had a caption: look at my gurl Mari going to a party with Luka Couffaine!!!
"I wonder if they planned their outfits to match. " Nino said thoughtfully.
"Now's not the time. " Adrien replied, slightly annoyed.
Adrien phone dinged.
"Thats Nathalie. I gotta go." Adrien said.
"Bye dude." Nino waved, a troubled expression on his face.
When Adrien got home, he was still bothered by the fact that Marinette was going to that party.
"What should I do? " He asked aloud, popping on his bed.
"You could get me some Camembert. " Plagg suggested,  flying out of seemingly nowhere.
"I meant about Marinette.  I've been to those parties before and their far from great. They are more like trash. " Adrien said.
"Well I for one know that if I let my dear Camembert go to the trash I would dive in and bring it back to my mouth. " Plagg advised proudly.
"That's it! Thanks Plagg. I know what I need to do now. "
"What? I was talking about cheese,  which you still haven't gotten me yet..... " Plagg said with a Huff.
"Plagg... " Adrien started.
"Oh no. " The qwaumi said,  knowing what was next.
"Claws out! "

A\N I hoped you guys liked this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment on what you think of the story and how you want it to look like in the oncoming chapters.
Xoxo ocelot101

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