20: We can climb up this mountain together

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Previously: Alya was akumatized into Truth Sayer after she was accused of something Lila had done. After an attack by Truth Sayer, Marinettes leggs were being turned to stone and she crashed into the ground.

I woke up with a start.

Where was I? What just happened?

I looked around me and saw cracked stone around my legs slowly crawling its way up my body.

The events came rushing back to my mind. Alya was Truth Sayer and was currently rushing at me for my miraculous. I was going to have to end this fast.

"Lucky Charm!" I yelled, throwing my yo-yo into the air.

A red and black checkered watergun appeared in my hands.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

I looked around, and saw everything click into place.

Without hesitation, I squirted water onto my legs, and the stone melted away to nothing within seconds.

"Aha! I know your weakness!" I told Truth Sayer as I dodged her attack.

I pointed the gun at the pink slip in her hands and shot, but she dodged out of the way. Truth Sayer was way too fast.

She glared at me and hissed before rushing away, probably to find Lila and Chat Noir.

Chat was no doubt busy trying to keep Lila safe and I after using my lucky charm I had only 3 minutes left until I detransformed.

Quickly I made my way to Master Fu's place and detransformed almost immediately when I landed.

"Ah, Marinette. It yas been a while." Master Fu spoke when I entered the room.

He sat in the middle of the floor legs crossed meditating. Wayzz, the turtle kwami mimmicked Fu's stance, floating in the air beside him."

"I need the Bee Miraculous." I informed him, feeding Tiki a macaron.

"Very well." Fu nodded his head before getting up, and opening the box that contained the miraculouses.

"Remember to return Pollen back to me."

"Of course!" I said, giving him a hug of thanks before rushing out the door yelling, "Tiki, spots on!"

I swung back to the school where I found Chloe, a stone statue."

I grabbed a water bottle of of the desk and dimped it over her head. The stone melted easily.

"Hey-" Chloe started angrily, but then saw that I was Ladybug, and it changed to a, "Hey!"

"Paris needs your help." I informed her, holding out the the miraculous.

She accepted it with a gleeful squeal

In no time Queen Bee and Ladybug were racing across the rooftops of Paris side by side.

We found Chat and Lila being attacked my Truth Sayer near the Eiffle Tower.

"I'm going to distract her while Chat makes his getaway with Lila." I told her.

"I don't see why we can't just let Truth Sayer have her fun with the little lying schemeing beotch." Queen Bee commented.

Even though I agreed with her 100 percent, I had to be the mature super hero everyone thought I was.

"Just paralyze her when you see an opening." I advised before taking off.

"Hey, over here!" I taunted, hittimg the akumatized victim in the head with my yo-yo.

She turned to look at me, grinding her teeth.

She made a move to lower her glasses, but Queen be came in right behind her.

"Venom!," she yelled before jabbing her spinning top into Truth Sayers neck.

Truth Sayer was paralyzed and Queenp Bee took the pink slip, ripping it in half. An akuma tried fluttering away, but I caught it with my yo-yo.

"Bye-bye, little butterfly," I whispered, releasing the cleansed akuma.

I then threw my yo-yo up into the air and chanted, "Miraculous Ladybug!" Turning everything back to normal.

"What happened? Oh no, I was akumatized wasn't I?" Alya said, back to her normal self.

"Woo-hoo!" Queen Bee cheered, going in for a hug. I cheered with her hugging her back.

"Great, I have been replaced." Chat pouted.

"No you haven't,  get your tail over here," I said holding my arm out.

He joined our hug with a smile.

Before separating, we all shared a fist pump saying, "Pound It!"

We all took off, and I got The Bee Miraculous back from Chloe before dropping it off at Master Fu's and then rushing home.

My parents were to busy in the bakery to realize that class was canceled for the reat of the day and that I was home, so I made my way upstairs to my room to work on some more costumes.

I didn't get very far before, someone tapped on my door, and let themselves in.

I was surprised to see Alya.

"Hey." She said sheepishly.

"Hey." I replied back.

"Look, I'm so sorry-"

"Hey, its okay. I've already forgiven you. Im just glad your back." I smiled at her.

And before I knew it, we were both in tears hugging each other.

I had missed my beat friend.

A/N I am so sorry for not updating in forever (and that this is generally a shorter chapter), I have a small case of writers block, but I would like to thank those of you for supporting me and encouraging me to keep writing, so thank yoh so much! Also i realized my previous chapters have many typos and are hard to read so thanks for putting up with that. Thank you guys so much! I love ve you all,
Xoxo ocelot101

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