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A few weeks had passed since Rick's group had settled in to Alexandria.  Like Rick promised, they were putting in their work and doing the jobs Deanna thought would fit best.  I became growing close to Rick and Carol, as I was around them the most.  I even offered to help Rick out with Judith if he ever needed to do a run.  He kindly accepted my offer.  Michonne was also assigned with Rick, Spencer, and I to do patrol around the time.  She kept her guard up but was a gentle and kind woman, but could put up a fight if needed.  Abraham, Sasha, Tara, and Rosita were assigned to help with watch - something they were pleased about.  Maggie helped with the garden, Glenn assisted with runs.  Gabriel was obviously involved with the town chapel, Eugene in the armory.  Carl mostly helped with Judith and but most of the time, just hung out with the other kids.  I was surprised because Daryl wasn't assigned to runs, he was offered by Aaron to help with scouting.  

While I was walking about town during an afternoon of patrolling, I caught Daryl on the porch of the home he shared with Rick and the others.  We hadn't spoken much, only when I would meet Rick and Michonne in the mornings.  I walked towards the porch and smiled slightly.  

"Hey, Daryl.  Mind if I sit?"  I asked.  He shook his head and looked at me.  I took the seat next to him.  He was a man of few words.  "How are you settling in?"  I asked, genuinely curious.  

"Seems to good to be true.  Like one day I'm going to wake back up in my tent in the middle of the woods and it'll be a dream."  He replied slowly.  I laughed slightly. 

"That's how I felt when I first arrived.  Took me a couple of months to settle in.  But I found my people.  Have you thought about what Aaron asked you?" 

"I don't think it's right for me.  Just want to go hunting, provide for the community."  He answered.  

"This would be providing.  You'd bring in more people to be safe.  This community thrives off it's people.  You'd be helping a lot more than you think."  Daryl huffed.  

"What do you care if I do anything?"  He asked me smartly. 

"I think we could be good friends, Daryl.  I know you and Rick are friends but I can tell you still feel like an outsider to your group.  I can relate to you.  I don't have anyone here.  Just think about it, find your place.  And if you ever need anything, I'm right across the street."  I smiled politely at him and retreated from the stars to the communal kitchen where the woman cooked for the older community and the food supplies where.  Carol was there with Olivia, chatting away.  "Hope I'm not interrupting."  I smiled.  

"Of course not."  Carol said.  I liked Carol, she was caring for her people but still knew how to protect herself.  She was a smart woman.  "Thank you for making us feel so welcome, both of you.  We've settled in a lot quicker because of it, even if a few of us might not tell you that."  Carol smirked and looked in my direction. 

"You saw me talking to Daryl, didn't you?"  I laughed.  

"Don't be too hard on yourself about getting to know him.  He'll come around.  You two have a lot in common, he'll soon realize that.  You'll be a good friend to him, to all of us."  Carol said in her maternal way.  I just smiled and jumped in to help them finish the dozens of cookies being prepared to give out to the community.  

bend in the road // daryl dixonWhere stories live. Discover now