Chapter 1

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"Dad!" A younger male's voice called as I blinked the sleep from my eyes.

"Come on, Dad! We gotta go!" He called again before I watched as the owner of said voice jumped and pushed through the sleeping lions and resting together.

"Dad! Dad!" He tried once again, sliding into the King's side as he slept peacefully next to his mate.

"Your son is awake" She observed, a verbal smirk in her tone as the pair kept their eyes closed.

"Before sunrise, he's your son" The king replied before the older cub jumped up onto his arm and mane, biting and pulling at his ear.

With an amused gaze, I watched as my older brother lost his hold on our father's ear and was thrown back into the bones of an old kill.

With a small frustrated growl, he leapt and hit the king's face making him open an eye to see his son.

"You promised" My brother pouted making our father realise that he had to get up now.

"Ok, okay. I'm up, I'm up" Our father stated before he skretched and yawned waking our mother up properly now.

"Akida, are you awake?" She asked as she rolled over to see me already sitting up and looking at her.

"Yes, Mum" I assured her, giving her a small lick making her smile before she and Dad both stood up.

"Let us go then" Dad spoke, leading Mum and I out of the den and into the early mornng.

Simba, my older brother, was already running around energetically making me roll my eyes at him. I followed behind Dad, watching as Simba ran over to our Mother and gave her a quick hug before running back up to Dad and I.

Both us cubs then followed behind our father as he led us up to the very top of Pride rock to watch the dawning of the sun.

After a short while, it happened. The almost blinding light of the sun reaching the top of the rock before it began to descend showing that it was finally rising and relieveing the Moon of its duty.

"Look, Simba" Dad began as we all sat at the edge, looking over the Pride lands. "Everything the light touches is our kingdom"

"Wow" Simba breathed, looking at the African landscape with awe whislt I too looked over it but with a calculating eye.

"A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here..." Dad stated making me bite my bottom lip as I looked up at him with sadness. "And will rise with you as the new king".

"And this'll all be mine?" My brother questioned from the other side of our father.

"Everything" Dad stated before I heard Simba begin moving.

"Everything the light touches" He echoed. "What about that shadowy palce?" Simba then questioned making me slowly walk over beside him to see what he was talking about.

"That's the Outlands, Brother" I answered him making him look at me with furrowed brows before he turned back to the view.

"That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba" Our father stated as he rejoined our sides.

"But I thought a king can do whatever he wants" Simba spoke as I observed the Outlands more.

"Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time" Dad told him before he turned to walk back to the lower levels of the large rock formation.

"There's more?" My brother questioned in excitment making me roll my brown eyes.

"Simba..." Dad drawled as he shook his head at my brothers antics.

"What will Akida be when I become King?" Simba questioned as we followed our father down the walkway.

"I become your protector" I told him with pride.

"Protector? Why do I need a protector?" He asked as we walked past the den entrance and continued down the walkway to the ground.

"Because, Simba, there will be times in your life where you will need someone to watch your back" Dad informed him as he led the two of us from Pride rock and out into the grassy plains.

"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope" Dad explained to Simba as I watched a herd of antelope jump by.

"But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?" My older brother questioned confused as we walked alongside our father.

"Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass" Dad explained before slowly to a stop. "And so we are all connected in the great circle of life"

Simba and I both looked over the savannah in awe before we were distracted by a flying blue bird.

"Good morning, Sire!" Zazu called, swooping down before landing on a rock jutting out of the ground.

"Good morning, Zazu" Dad returned formally.

"Checking in with the morning report" Zazu stated with a bow as I sat up straight and listened as well.

"Fire away" Dad spoke, allowing Zazu to begin.

"Chimps are going ape, giraffes remain above it all, Elephant remember, though just what, I cna't recall, Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks, Shown interest in my nest egg, but I quickly said, no, thanks, We haven't paid the hornbills and the vultures have a hunch. Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch" Zazu sung rhymically as Dad and I both listened to him with amusement.

"This is the morning report. Give you the long and the short. Every grunt, roar and snort. Not a tale I distort. On the morning report" He continued before I was knocked over by my brother as he pounced after a groundhog and rolled into a rock as I picked myself back up.

"What are you doing, Simba?" Dad questioned, having seen him pounce into me.

"Pouncing" Simba deadpanned as he rubbed at his head.

"Let and old pro show you how its done" Dad spoke to him, lowering his voice as I rolled my eyes at the pair and turned back to Zazu as he continued on.

I ignored my brother and father as they both prepared for Simba to pounce on Zazu. Only watchign with amusement when Simba tackled him off the rock when he finished a line.

"This is the morning report! Give you the long and the short! Every grunt, roar and snort! Not a tale I distort! On the morning report!" Simba sung proudly, biting onto Zazu's tail features and flinging him down the hill when he bagan pecking at Simba's head.

"That's very good" Dad laughed as I walked over to Zazu, biting the back of his neck and walkign abck over to the others before laying down with him on my front paws.

"Are you injured, Zazu?" I asked him quiely watching as he got up, lacing himself on my right paw as he cleaned the dirt from him and patted his feathers down neatly.

"Don't worry about me, young Akadi. I'm a lot tougher than I look" Zazu replied with a nod towards me. I nodded back before standing up when Zazu's caught sight of somehting over the savannah.

"Sire! Hyenas in the pride lands!" He yellled, all of us looking over to see them raoming around. 

"Zazu, take Simba home" Dad ordered Zazu as I got walked to his side, Zazu walking over to Simba's.

"Dad, can't I come? Akida's going with you!" Simba argued with a pout as I looked back over to track the Hyenas movments.

"No, Son, and Akida is coming because he need's to know how this will work out" Dad told him before he nodded to me and took off, myself running by his side.

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now