Chapter 4

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-Jabari's PoV-

"Stop being a wimp, little brother" One of my older brothers yelled after jumping from a large boulder onto a tree branch.

This was supposedly the "Shortcut" they took to get home before curfew.

"Jabari, its not that high! Just jump!" The oldest of us three smirked as he easily jumped over the large gap really high up.

"I-I don't thi-think yo-you guys understand h-how high up th-this really is" I whimpered, gazing over the long drop down the hill  before turning to Kahlfani as he jumped back to my side.

"It's only a few metres. Just do it before I push you" He warned, his Tawny mane just growing into its adult coat.

I stared at him before gulping. "Now o-or-or never" I muttered before running to gain speed. Before I leapt, something yellowish caught my eye making me trip over my paws and fall down the long drop.

"Jabari!" Zuberi yelled, jumping down after me and sliding down the slope as I rolled down it.

"L-Like jumping ov-over a-a snake" I muttered with an eye roll as I rubbed at my sore head. "At-At least the sn-snake would ki-kill me q-quickly"

"You're alive aren't you!" Kahlfani yelled from his laid down spot on the branch above us, Zuberi reaching my side with a cloud of dust.

"Why don't you jump on over then?" He called up to Kahlfani making him roll his eyes. "Are you injured at all, Jabari?" He asked me, concern in his tone as I picked myself up and combing down my just growing Hickory-colored mane.

"I'm f-f-fine, Older Br-Brother" I returned before walking over to where I thought the yellowish colour came from.

"Where are you going?" Zuberi questioned as he followed after me, leaving our brother to himself.

"I-I thought I sa-saw something...b-before I f-fell" I replied to him before almost tripping over a vine as it caught on one of my back legs.

"See? Th-The yellow thing th-through the trees" I told my oldest brother making him look where I had gestured with a small squint before he turned to me in slight amazement.

"How did you even see that? You weren't even looking in this direction" He gaped at me making me gulp with nervousness.

"I do-don't kn-know...I-I just saw I-it" I muttered before we came into the small clearing at the bottom of the slope where we saw it.

"A cub?" Zuberi questioned before we both turned to the other before running up to its side.

"H-He's bleeding" I observed, noticing the three claw marks across its right eye that were leaking blood profoundly. 

"We need to get him back to the pride before he bleeds out" Zuberi informed me making me nod.

Without hesitation, I grabbed onto the young cubs scruff surprising my oldest brother as I walked off to where the pride resides and leaving him to follow after me.

I could hear the young cub whimpering in its unconscious state but I tried to ignore it. Getting it back to the pride was more important.

-Time Skip-

-Akida's PoV-

"You know what? Even if it has been exiled, it failed it's duty to protect the King and whatnot" I heard, my hearing acting a bit funny as I hissed at the pain occupying my right eye.

"It doesn't matter, Kahlfani. He's alive and that's what matters right now" A much older voice retorted as I allowed my left eye to crack open to see what was happening.

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now