Chapter 8

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I stayed hidden, covered by the shadows, as I watched the older lion nudge my mother making her look up at him in surprise.

"Mufasa?" I just heard her whisper, myself watching as the lion shook his head with a ghost of a smile.

"No. It's me" He replied, both Mum and I gaping at him as he confirmed his identity as my older brother and rightful King, Simba.

"You're alive?" Mum breathed, her face turning into a smile before she realised that I had been wrongfully exiled.

"How can that be?" She asked Simba, him shaking his head with a small smile.

"It doesn't matter. I'm home" He told her before giving her a loving cuddle that made me almost blow my cover by joining them before I turned my attention to Scar.

"Simba? Simba~ Oh, I'm a little surprised to see you...alive" Scar commented, looking upwards above him where I heard three gulps before he turned his attention back to my older brother.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't rip you apart" Simba told him, approaching our Uncle who began backing up.

"Oh, Simba, you must understand. The pressures of ruling a kingdom-" Scar began to make excuses, Simba cornering him against a rock.

I watched as all the lionesses followed them, leaving me to escape the den as Simba and Scar continued their argument and climb up onto a higher ledge where I was still hidden but could jump into the fray incase it happened.

"Have they put it behind them?" Scar finished making me quirk an eyebrow at him before turning to my brother as a lioness, who I suspected to be Nala, asked him what Scar was talking about.

"Ah, so you haven't told them you little secret" Scar mused. "Well, Simba, now's your chance to tell them. Tell them who is responsible for Mufasa's death".

"I am" Simba admitted after a tense pause, my bottom jaw dropping in disbelief.

"There's no way he would intentionally harm Dad" I muttered to myself.

"No, it was an accident!" Simba defended himself after admitting to our mother that he was the cause of our father's death and Scar titling him as a Murderer.

"If it weren't for you, Mufasa would still be alive! It's your fault he's dead! Do you deny it?" Scar questioned my older brother as he circled him.

"No" Simba stated with an anger-filled look.

"Then you're guilty!" Scar growled as he circled in front of him.

"No, I'm not a murderer" Simba denied with a partially scared look.

"Oh, Simba, you're in trouble again..." Scar mused as he and a large group of hyenas began backing Simba over the large rock ledge that dropped down several fatal metres.

"but this time, your brother and dad aren't here to save you and now everyone knows why!" Scar snarled before Simba lost his footing and fell over the edge, only just hanging on with his front paws.

"Simba!" Nala called as I went to go attack the hyenas with rage to get to my brother to save him but stopped when I realised that I wasn't experiencing that odd feeling when my brother was in danger.

'Perhaps this isn't Simba?' I questioned myself inwardly as I watched the scene paly out. 'No, that is definitely him but why aren't I feeling the need to protect him right now?'

"Hold on, Simba" I whispered, watching my older brother struggle to hold on as he observed the fire, that had just been lit by the lightning, start to rise and consume everything beneath him.

"No! Murderer!" Simba yelled, using his front paws to pull himself up before he jumped on top of Scar and pinned him tot he ground on his back.

"No, Simba, please" Scar pleaded, obviously wanting to keep what he had just told Simba secret.

"Tell them the truth" Simba commanded him making Scar scoff.

"Truth? But truth is in the eye of the behold-" He began before being choked by Simba who was fed up with his sinister tone.

"So they can hear you" Simba ordered Scar as he muttered something we couldn't hear as they were too far away.

"I killed Mufasa!" Scar exclaimed confidently before the lionesses began attacking the hyenas in rage of the statement.

"Simba" I whisper-yelled, watching my brother get dogpiled by a large group of hyenas whilst the lionesses fought with another large group.

With a loud and powerful roar, one I had perfected with my time in the jungle, everyone paused to see me leap with enraged eyes onto the ledge.

I immediately noticed Scar terrified expression as he noticed the three claw-shaped scars over my right eye.

"I-I exiled you!" He stuttered making me smirk in amusement.

"You're voice has no power here, Scar" I snarled at him, My mother and the lionesses looking at me surprised as they too recognised the scars over my eye and realised who I was.

"And now that you've admitted to killing my father and attempting to kill my brother, I will rip you're throat out!" I yelled before leaping over the hyenas, who had decided to use my distraction as an opening to attack Simba, and tackled Scar.

With a snarl, we both attacked each other throwing swipes and bites at each others faces to blind our opponent.

With a loud roar, Scar commanded the hyenas watching to attack me making me roar a warning.

The hyenas, staying loyal to their leader jumped at me, a large group of about 12 all jumping on top of me and forcing me to the rocky ground.

I roared in pain before sinking my teeth into the closest ones neck, killing it instantly before using my hind legs to kick it's body into a few others to get them off me.

I roared as another hyenas dug its paws into my side as It bit at my throat trying to kill me resulting in me throwing my lame paw at it and throwing it over the close edge.

With another pained roar I kicked my hind legs into another few hyenas making them fly a few metres before running away. Slowly, I got back to my feet before biting another hyenas scruff and throwing him away as well.

I roared at them again, this one much louder than the last making them all look at me in fear before they were joined by another group of hyenas who all barked a war cry at me before tackling me over the edge.

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now