Chapter 3

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"Son, I want you to go to Rafiki's tree with your mother and let him look at your leg" Dad told me when he and Mum came out of the den.

"Are you sure, Dad? Shouldn't I be with Simba or continuing my training?" I asked him with furrowed brows as he sighed.

"We just don't want you to hurt yourself more is all, Akida" Mum explained, crouching down and liking my head and paw before nuzzling me to start moving.

"Alright...I'll go" I sighed, my heard lowering in obedience as I stood up on three paws. "But Dad, can you promise that you'll keep Simba safe in my absence?" I asked him, watching him look at me proudly before he crouched down to me.

"I promise" He told me, licking the side of my face and pushing me after my mother who had already started walking.

"Let's go, Akida" She smiled at me, nuzzling my face with her own before we began our trek.

-Time Skip-

"It's lame" Rafiki muttered to himself, moving my leg about and feeling the bone under the skin.

"What does that mean, Rafiki?" I questioned him confused with furrowed eyebrows.

"Mean's your going to have a limp when it heals" He explained with a sympathetic look towards me.

"Does that mean I won't be able to protect Simba anymore?" I asked Mum sadly and in a small state of panic.

"No, Akida" She chuckled towards my panic. "It jsut means you'll have to get use to fighting with a lame leg" She told me making me breathe with relief before shivering with the same odd feeling I had left just yesterday.

"Simba's in trouble" I stated with confusion, remembering Dad promising that he would keep him safe for me.

"Im sure your father is there with him keeping him from danger, young Akida" Rafiki smiled reassuringly before the feeling intensified.

"They're both in danger. We have to go back!" I called, diving for the exit when it intensified even more.

"Akida!" Mum exclaimed, jumping after me and picking me up considering the fact I couldnt run very fast with my leg still injured.

As Mum ran with me in her mouth, the fur around my nose and eyes became wet with tears of fear for both my Brother and Father.

-Time Skip-

Rafiki's tree isnt the closest tree to Pride rock I had come to realise during the almost life-long trek back where we were met by the lionesses at Pride rock as the moon began to rise.

By now the feeling had long gone and both of us were worried.

"Queen! Come quick!" One of the younger lionesses called, turning around and motioning for Mum to follow her and the others.

"Mum...I'm scared" I whispered, tears falling from my eyes as she palced me down between her front paws as she stood next to Sarafina who was sitting with Nala.

"It's going to be alright, Akida. We jsut have to find your father and brother" She returned, worry evident in her eyes as she tried to keep me calm.

"My Queen!" I heard Zazu yell as he cuahgt sight of us and flew down. "I bring...unfortunate news" He told us, both of us knowing the context of his tone.

"No..." Mum trailed off before she broke into tears as well, burying her head into my back as I stared at Zazu.

"Mufasa's death is a terrible tragedy...but to lose Simba, who had barely begun to live" Scar stated from the rock peak above us Making Mum and I both star at him before we both lowered our heads in sadness.

"For me, it is a deep, personal loss" My Uncle continued, his black mane brushed down as it always is.

"And so, with Akida's truancy when Simba needed him most, I hereby exile him! Giving him empathy as he is but a small cub" Scar growled, his green eyes burrying holes into my own as I looked up to him in fear.

"No..." I trailed off, Mum letting a growl bubble in her throat as she stared at Scar angrily.

"He is just a cub! Mufasa had told him to go to Rafiki's tree!" She argued in an attempt to save me from Exile.

"That is no excuse! He failed his duty in protecting Simba and now he is dead as is their father!" Scar snarled as he paced over, a clawed paw ready to strike me.

With a growl, he swiped down my right eye, leaving three claw marks over the eye making me cry out as it began to bleed.

"He has untill morning to be out of the Pridelands or else he is killed!" He roared at us, Mum gasping along with Sarafina, Nala, Zazu and a few other lionesses.

"Run, Akida. Be safe and and don't come back untill we have this all sorted out" Mum whispered to me nudging me to leave as I stayed frozen with fear, pain and disbelief.

Not only had I failed in protecting my own brother, my father had also been killed and now my Uncle was exiling me!

"Go, Akida! There's been too many killed today, pelase don't make me bear another" She wepped making me gulp before licking up her face in assurance that I'll be safe.

With that, I began running on my three good legs out into the savannah night. By morning, I was reaching where the pridelands met with the thick jungles.

My father had often reminded me of the other prides that lived around our own, each in a different biome to our own.

Like now, if I entered the jungled biome I would be entering the Junglelands and would be met with the pride that resided in there.

I hissed quietly as the three claw marks began to sting even more making my good eye well up with tears even more.

With a heavy heart, I began my journey into the jungle with a new brand.

Now I was marked as "Exiled" against my old title of "Protector".

I cryed out as a vine caught my injured leg sending me into a fall down a slope, hitting many small bushes and getting roped by even more vines as I rolled down it.

By the time I had reached the bottom, I was losing consciousness from all the pain I was in as well as having been up for almost 30 hours, alot more than a younge cub like I should have.

With my vision slipping, I was confused as a large darker lion with a dark mane and almost yellow eyes look down at me.

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now