Chapter 2

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"Did you see their faces when you cornered them?" Dad laughed as I smiled in amusment beside him.

"Yeah. I'm disappointed in my roar though..." I trailed off with a sad look.

Dad and I had just chased off the Hyenas roaming about in the Pridelands. Our plan was to corner them before chasing them easily back into the outlands where they had been banished.

When they had been successfully cornered, I had attempted to roar at them but was disappointed in the volume of said roar.

"You are still young, Akida. Give it time and you will be roaring louder than I do" He grinned as we walked.

"Will it always be that easy, Dad?" I asked him with a troubled expression as I stopped walking, electing to sit and observe the antelope and giraffes resting.

"Unfortunately it wont, Akida, but with your training I believe you will do a wonderful job in chasing them off no matter the sitaution" Dad answered with a reassuring smile mkiang me belive him with a sigh.

I went to ask another question before I shivered, an odd feeling coming over me.

"Something's wrong" I muttered, getting off my haunches and looking around.

"What is?" Dad asked as he watched me pace around.

With furrowed eyebrows I let my eyes wander the afternoon horizon before they fell on the Elephant graveyard Simba had questioned this morning. I looked further at it, the odd feeling hitting me again making me gasp with worry and fear.

"Simba!" I exclaimed, taking off into a sprint for the graveyard knowing that my older brother was there and that he was in danger.

"Stay still" Dad ordered me as he picked me up with his mouth and continued running there with his much longer and powerfuller legs.

Within a few minutes we were nearing the graveyard with worried expressions.

"When we find your brother, I want you to follow your instincts" Dad told me quietly, palcing me on the ground as I nodded and followed my senses to where Simba was.

"Sire!" I heard Zazu call before I boundered off through the graveyard.

When I heard a commotion in a smallish ravine I instantly ran through it, coming into an open area where I spotted My older brother shielding Nala from three Hyenas.

When Simba attempted to roar, his roar being much like mine when I had tried earlier, the three hyenas only laughed. "That was it? Do it again. Come on" The female one grinned makign me snarl before I roared, being surprised when Dad joined my side and roared as well.

Once we finished, I pounced onto the furtherest one to the left, biting and ripping its ear before jumping onto the other male hyena as the female one went to snap at me. Once I ahd landed on its back, i used my sharp claws to scratch up its back before I was thrown to the ground by the female one latching onto my front right paw.

I went to get back up and continue my duty but was beaten to it by Dad as he leapt at them all, easily collecting them with his large size and pinning them with ease. Whilst he did that I limped over to Simba and Nala and stood to guard them incase the fight went for the more sour side.

"Oh, pelase, please! Uncle, uncle!" The female one yelped as she was pinned between the two males under the King.

"Silence!" He snarled making them all flinch.

"We're gonna shut up right now!" The male on the right stated as he braced for another hit like the other two were doing.

"Calm down. We're really sorry" The female one added with a small smile as she tried to unburry herself in her own dug hole.

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now