Chapter 7

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"Rafiki?!" I yelled up at him bringing the baboon's attention down to me with an excited laugh.

"Akida, who is this?" Zuberi asked me as Rafiki all but dropped down next to me with a wide smile as he began looking me over, lifting my lame paw and touching the three scars over my right eye.

"This is Rafiki, he's an old family friend" I smiled before biting Rafiki's stick before it could hit me in the head in his excitement.

"Rafiki! Calm down!" I laughed, handing his staff back to him before he could hurt me to get it. "What are you doing here?" I then asked him, watching him put his hand on his hairy chin before he yipped in memory.

"You must return, Akida!" He called, his eyes gauging my reaction as I took on a confused and partly saddened expression. 

"Rafiki...I was exiled, remember? I can't go back or else Scar will kill me" I muttered to him, Zuberi nudging my side to get my attention.

"Listen to him" He told me making me arch an eyebrow at him before turning to Rafiki.

"The winds are changing! The rightful King is returning and you must be there to protect him" Rafiki exclaimed making me freeze.

"But that would mean that...Simba is alive" I muttered with a distant and confused look.

"That's right, young Akida! You must go and join him!" Rafiki called making me sigh before sitting down.

"I couldn't protect him the first time...who's to say it won't happen again?" I muttered before turning to Zuberi after he nudged me.

"I do. With the training I've gone through with you, I know you can do it" He told me confidently making me smile sadly.

"Zuberi...I can't just leave you guys" I practically whispered watching his knowing look turn into a sigh.

"Your duty comes first" He smirked making me pout.

"Did you really just- Whatever. I'm going to say good bye to the others" I groaned, turning around and heading for the den behind the waterfall.

"Jabari? Kahlfani?" I called into the den, the two lions raising their heads before coming over.

"W-whats wrong, A-Akida?" Jabari asked me with a worried expression, myself offering a small smile.

"An old friend just told me that my older brother is...alive" I muttered, both of their jaws dropping in happiness but also sadness as they knew my duties came before family.

"You're not the small lame cub anymore, Akida" Kahlfani chuckled making me smile with an eye roll. "Your actually pretty scary when you're pissed" He paled, remembering our fights.

"I-I guess this I-is goodbye th-then?" Jabari sighed sadly, looking at me with a tear in his eye.

"Not at all, Cousin" I smirked making him laugh lightly. "I'll try to visit often and hey, maybe I'll even bring Simba with me" 

"Think he's like he was when you were both cubs?" Kahlfani questioned with a cringe making me copy it at the thought.

"I hope not" I muttered before we all shared a laugh. Being surprised when it was joined by Zuberi.

"Come on, you have quite the run ahead of you, Little Cousin" He commented making me sigh before nodding a goodbye to my cousins.

"Don't make too many cubs, Jabari!" I teased as I quickly ran from the den, hearing his surprised stuttering behind me.

I took a large intake of breath before I skillfully ran through the viny jungle to where it met with the plainlands of my old homeland.

"Come on, Rafiki" I called, spotting his shadow on the barren dirt below me as he swung in the tree branches above me.

With a groan from myself, he jumped and landed on my back whacking the back of my head with his staff and kicking his ankles into my sides. 

"Hurry, me must be there when your brother takes his rightful place!" He exclaimed making me roll my eyes before warning him to hold onto my mane. 

With a huff and an eyeroll from him I took off into a sprint, Rafiki heading my warning after he almost fell off.

"Come on! Come on! Come on!" Rafiki repeated after blabbering his normal riddles. 

"I've been running for a long while now, Rafiki, hold your horses and we may get there" I grumbled, surprising the older monkey as he moved to look at me upside-down.

I let my eyes look up at him before I watched him sit back on my back and mutter something about not getting on my bad side.

With an eye roll, I jumped up onto a lower platform of rock adjoined to my old den. 

"Go hide up higher" I told him, Rafiki jumping onto the ground before watching me go around the side where I remember Simba's hole in the back of the den he used to use to escape.

From inside I hushed Zazu down as he gasped at my sudden appearance.

"Zazu, it's me, Akida" I smirked watching his scared expression turn to bewilderment.

"Thank heavens you're still alive! You don't know how long I've been imprisoned in here" He started making me chuckle before I was distracted by Scar's yell for my mother.

"Yes, Scar?" She questioned, stopping in front of him.

"Where is your hunting party? They're not doing their job" He growled at her making a growl bubble in my throat as I watched him circle my Mum.

"Scar, there is no food. The herds have moved on" She returned to him, her head held high to show she wasn't intimidated by him with made me smirk inwardly.

"No, you're just not looking hard enough" Scar growled in return, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's over. There is nothing left. We have only one choice. We must leave pride Rock" Mum stated resulting in Scar turning to her with pointed growl.

"We're not going anywhere" He spoke lowly, promises of death if she disobeyed him hidden in his tone.

"Then you have sentenced us to death!" She called in anger before flattening her ears against her head when Scar leapt at her.

"Then so be it" He stated with a growl, standing not even half a metre from her face.

"You can't do that" She muttered, her eyes following him as he moved away from her.

"I am the King. I can do whatever I want" Scar chanted like Simba use to as a cub.

"If you were half the King Mufasa was-" Mum began before Scar hit her with a backhanded paw throwing her several metres.

"I'm ten times the King Mufasa was!" He snarled making me growl loudly as I went to pounce at him, only stopping when I noticed another growl had joined mine making me pause.

"Mufasa? No, you're dead" Scar gasped as he backed away closer to the den's opening as I watched a similar lion to my father walk carefully up to Mum.


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