Chapter 9

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I cried out in pain, a roar dying in my throat as we all rolled into the rocks below. 

With a pained groan, I pulled myself up, my lame paw of no use and climbed up onto a higher rock, kicking a hyena in the face and knocking it into and other one as they tried to climb after me to finish the job of killing me.

I roared at them before continuing my climb, my body aching from the toll they had claimed on me.

My back had been badly scratched up with large claw and bite marks as well as over my legs and sides.

I groaned in pain as a hyena latched onto my right hind leg and started shaking it head, its sharp teeth digging into the skin and bone.

"Get off, you Mutt!" I exclaimed, turning around and biting its throat, killing it before I let it drop to the ground. I watched as the other hyenas all gave up and ran around under the large ledge.

"Good riddance" I muttered before weakly climbing further up the large rock formation, limping over to Rafiki's side as he watched my brother embrace Mum and Nala.

"Akida, you're bleeding!" Rafiki deadpanned in a gasp, hearing me collapse beside him.

"That sort of happens when you get attacked, Rafiki" I returned with amusement, watching him look at me bewildered at the fact I had just used sass.

"Just focus on my brother, please. I'm perfectly fine" I muttered starting to get annoyed as I licked at my left paw, a small bite mark in the flesh.

I sighed in relief, knowing it was just a flesh wound and would heal perfectly just like my hind legs would. 

Just more battle scars.

The sound of Rafiki's staff made me look at him before turning to my brother as he went to walk past me, obviously not having seen me.

"Oi, Simba" I called, getting to my feet and almost falling before I righted myself and lamely walked up to him as he looked at me like he was seeing a ghost.

Before he could talk, I headbutted his side knocking him over. "That was for dying and almost getting me killed" I sneered at him before nudging his face with mine. 

"That is for coming back" I smirked, watching him look at me in amazement, remembering my serious attitude as a cub compared to my now playful manner.

"You're hurt" He deadpanned with worry making me role me eyes at him.

"Nothing but some battle scars, not like I'll get more in the future" I muttered before pushing him towards the rocky edge.

"Go and claim your title, Your Majesty" I smirked with  playful tone making him laugh before knocking me over and turning to get away before I could whack him upside the head.

Getting off my side, I walked to his side as he began to roar. Joining him on the next one with my own loud and powerful roar.

Simba and I turned to the other before nodding to the other.

"Dad would be proud, Simba"

-Time Skip-

"Shut up!" I heard as I climbed through the jungle terrain, Simba close on my heels jumping at every sound.

"Didn't you live in the jungle with Timon and Pumbaa?" I asked him sarcastically making him roll his eyes at me.

"Just because you're my brother, doesn't mean I can't hurt you!" I heard the familiar insults of Kahlfani making me chuckle as Simba began to look terrified of meeting our cousins.

"W-Well just b-because you're g-going to hurt m-me, d-doesn't m-mean I'll st-stop!" Jabari snapped back as I lead Simba around the waterfall into the small rocky platform which lead into the den.

"Would you two quit it! Or else I'll drag you both to Akida and he can deal with you!" Zuberi threatened, both his brothers shutting up moving to hug the other at the idea of facing my wrath.

"Your Nightmare has arrived!" I snarled, leaping into the light of the den resulting in Kahlfani and Jabari screaming in fright and terror before collapsing to the ground.

"With a guest, of course" I bowed as Simba came into the room. 

"And you didn't think to warn us that the King was coming?!" Zuberi growled at me before tackling me to the ground, playfully biting at my throat as I laughed at Simba's overwhelmed expression.

"Alright, Zuberi! You win! Now get off me!" I growled playfully at him making him scoff with amusement, rolling off me and getting to his feet and bowing to Simba.

"Your Majesty, an honour it is to finally meet you" Zuberi smiled before shooting me a glare as I nipped his hind leg before pouncing at Kahlfani as he growled at me. 

"You know, I was kind of hoping that the hyenas would actually kill you this time" He stated, noticing the many scars across my body.

"Oh? I was sort of hoping you'd fall out of a tree and damage your already poor intelligence" I snickered, Jabari, Zuberi and even Simba chuckling at us as Kahlfani looked incredibly offended.

"Anyway, Simba" I turned, facing my brother and forgetting about Kahlfani until he bit my tail making me turn and growl at him as he smirked.

"Meet Jabari, he stutters a lot but it's nothing to worry about" I joked, giving a smile to Jabari as he pouted and walked up to me nudging my side.

"I-it's not th-that bad" He whined making me roll my eyes with a smile.

"Next to you is Zuberi, he's Kahlfani's Protector like I am to you" I informed my brother who turned to Zuberi with an amazed look.

"And finally, their Pride Leader, Kahlfani. He's a major pain in the ass if you ask me" I informed Simba, whispering the last part but apparently not quiet enough.

"Hey, you Mutt!" 

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now