Chapter 5

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"I apologise for my son's behaviour, Akida. He's always been more trouble than he's worth" Jaali apologised with an exhausted sigh making me look at him as I hid between the younger male's paws.

I stayed silent, breathing evenly to try and regain my quickened heartbeat.

"H-Hey, it's alright. Your na-name's Akida, right? I'm J-J-Jabari" The male protecting me stuttered, something he had been doing a lot whenever he spoke. His head lowered so I could see him better as he smiled kindly at me.

"He-Hello, Jabari" I squeaked to him before burying my face into the fur of his left paw.

"Well, it appears I am no longer of need" The lioness observed, giving a sincere nod to Jaali who returned it before she left.

"Thank you, Old Friend" Jaali spoke to her as she left.

"So, Akida, you already know myself, Kahlfani and Jabari but this is my eldest son, Zuberi. He's my Protector, like yourself" Jaali introduced me to the caramel coloured lion who had first noticed me awake.

"A pleasure to meet you, Akida" He smiled warmly making me smile back again with a polite nod.

"Do-Do you think y-you can explain wh-what happened t-to your fa-father and bro-brother, A-Akida?" Jabari asked me softly with kind amber eyes, myself gulping before nodding and coming out from between his paws to see the other lions clearly.

"Um...Well...I guess I'll start from where I g-got injured?" I asked them all, my voice still wavering as I forced myself to recollect the past events.

"That would be much appreciated, little one" Jaali nodded with a thankful smile as he got comfortable.

"Alright...There were hyenas in the Pridelands and Dad sent Simba home to keep him safe whilst we dealt with them" I began, watching all of their approving nods.

"When we were finished and were talking, I felt that Simba was in danger" I paused in the recount watching Zuberi look at me in awe.

"You're definitely a Protector, Akida. Only we with that title can feel that" He muttered making me replicate his awe-filled look.

"Well, Dad picked me up and ran to where I could feel Simba at. When we arrived in the Outlands, amidst the Elephant Graveyard, we found three hyenas cornering Simba and Nala" I continued before noticing Jabari's confused gaze.

"Wh-Who is N-Nala?" He asked me quietly.

"Nala is Simba's best friend but I know they'll be mates" I informed him with a large smile before I reminded myself that he was dead, my smile turning into a frown.

"It's alright, Akida. Continue if you can" Jaali pushed me making me nod.

"I attacked the hyenas first, injuring two before the third got a hold of my right paw and threw me off one of the others back" I explained, them realising that that was where I got my injury from on my leg.

"Afterwards, I stood to protect Simba and Nala as Dad finished with the hyenas before we went home" I told them, a distant look as I remembered what Simba had asked me that night.

"And we'll always be pals, right?"

"Th-The next day, Dad sent me to Rafiki's tree to get my paw checked on with Mum..." I trailed off, a distant look adorning my face as tears began to fall freely.

"Th-they died and I-I wasn't th-there to pro-protect them" I cried, burying my face into my uninjured paw.

"H-Hey now...I'm s-sure they do-don't blame yo-you" Jabari tried to assure me, wrapping a paw around me and licking my slowly growing red mane.

"Wh-when Mum a-and I got back, Sc-Scar exiled me...Saying that I-If I e-ever came back...He'd ki-kill me" I finished, crying freely into Jabari's chest as he laid around me trying to comfort me.

"Scar? That mutt is still alive?" Jaali growled, surprise evident in his eyes as he looked towards the exit.

"He is Mufasa's brother, correct Father?" Zuberi asked getting a nod in confirmation from Jaali.

"He is, but I'm honestly surprised he is still alive and that Mufasa is still allowing him to be in the pride of his" Jaali added making me sniff my tears away before turning to him as I pawed the trails of tears from my face.

"He-He resides in the back of Priderock. I-I don't trust him be-because he just gives of-off a really bad feeling" I agreed with the older adult, Zuberi nodding along as well.

"As much as it pains me to say this...but we cannot do anything, he will have taken the title of King" Jaali sighed before his frown turned into a displeased and angry expression.

"If he hasn't already, that Mutt will run the Pridelands into the ground" He growled before huffing and realising we were all watching him.

"Apologies boys, I just really dislike that Mutt" He spoke to us with defeated amber eyes as he decided to lay down as well, Zuberi the only sitting lion now.

"Ho-How do you know my father?" I asked him, watching a small smile play on his lips.

"I'm, what you could call, a cousin of Mufasa" Jaali answered, my eyes widening in surprise. "Your Dad's father, Ahadi, is my Father's brother" He answered our unanswered question.

"But that would mean you're my second cousin?" I gaped but was inwardly excited.

"Indeed I am but you can just call me your Uncle, it seems easier and cooler than 'Second Cousin', don't you think?" He grinned at me making me chuckle at him before nodding my agreement.

"D-D-Does that m-mean we ar-are Ak-Akida's cou-cousins?" Jabari asked his father, Zuberi looking to his father as well.

"I do not see why not. Akida, you're alright with this?" Jaali asked my opinion making me immediately stand up in excitement that I was struggling to contain.

"I would be honored"

Akida of Pride Rock {Lion King Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now