Chapter 6

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"Today, you will be training with Zuberi" Jaali informed me, both of us standing outside on the flat rock platform covered by the waterfall flowing over where the pride resided.

"He will help you get use to fighting with a lame leg" 

---Time Skip---

"Loosen up, Akida" Zuberi laughed as I tried to regain my composure as Kahlfani walked off. He had just had another go at Jabari and I.

"You don't have to be so silent all the time"

---Time Skip---

"Remember, little one, we don't care that you've been exiled from the Pridelands" Jaali laughed as we sat opposite other, looking into the Pridelands from a tree branch we had jumped upon.

"We're family, don't forget that"

---Time Skip---

"Put more force into your jump! You look like a young antelope when you jump!" Zuberi laughed, myself laughing with him before I jumped at Jabari again, my claws retracted as I took into account of what Zuberi had just told me.

"Better! Now you're looking like a Lion!" 

---Time Skip---

"H-He is always te-teasing me-me about my stu-stuttering problem" Jabari told me, Kahlfani walking off. Once again he had tried to tease us both before Zuberi came over.

"Why do you stutter?" I asked quietly, not sure if it was a sensitive topic or not.

"I-I-I don't k-know. I w-was born wi-with it" 

---Time Skip---

"Ha! Look, Akida! You're the same height as Jabari!" Zuberi chuckled whilst Jabari and I sat next to the other. My red mane was coming in nicely as I passed my first few adolescent years.

"O-Oh c-c-come on!"

---Time Skip---

"That's an adorable roar. Where'd you get it from?" Kahlfani smirked as he walked past Zuberi and I as we practised our roars. Zuberi's was very strong, but he was a lot older than me.

My roar was much better than when I was a cub but it still hadn't quite gotten its bite yet.

---Time Skip---

"Get those claws out! Your a Protector, Akida! You're not always going to be in the plains when protecting somebody!" Zuberi called from below me as I grunted, trying my damn best to climb a tree. "Shut up~" I muttered, hearing a laugh below me.

"Stop singing and climb, little cousin"

---Time Skip---

"Will he be alright, old friend?" Jaali asked the old lioness as she looked my right side over.

"He will be fine. The snake wasn't venomous" She returned before turning to Kahlfani who was sitting and watching with a partially scared expression.

"Hopefully, the event has taught someone some curtesy"

---Time Skip---

"I-Its sad isn't I-it?" I heard from behind me, turning and looking over my shoulder to see Jabari move to my side and sit down. "I-It looks so-so barren" He commented, both of us looking into my old home.

"Scar is the King, what do you expect?"

---Time Skip---

"Look at your mane! It's almost blinding now" Zuberi laughed making me chuckle with an eye roll. He was right though. I was just about to enter my adult years and my mane had just about finished growing, a shining red coat contrasting my darkish yellow nicely.

"You look good, Akida" Kahlfani commented with a smile towards me, an actual smile. Not a smirk.

"Thank you, Kahlfani"

---Time Skip---

"She's j-just so...ugh!" Jabari groaned, not being able to put his feelings into words. "Wh-what do you th-think I should do, Akida?" He asked me making my bottom jaw drop slightly.

"Why are you asking me? You're older than me! Ask her for a date or something! I don't know!" 

---Time Skip---

"So, I was thinking that Kahlfani take over more responsibilities of the pride" Jaali informed us, his peanut-coloured mane beginning to intertwine with grey.

"Stop looking at me like that! I'm not exactly the young lion I was! Now you get to do the running around!" He laughed heartily, gesturing to Kahlfani who simply sweat dropped.

---Time Skip---

"That's it, Akida!" Zuberi yelled as I climbed up the largest tree we could find in the jungle. I looked back over my shoulder to see his caramel and brunette coloured body standing below me with a proud smile.

And as I went to reply to him, I slipped somewhat, my claws still obeying my wishes and staying planted in the bark of the tree.

"Don't, you know, fall down now that your up there" 

---Time Skip---

"She's a-amazing, Kida" Jabari sighed, laying in the vines next to me as I got a drink from the flowing river. "I-I think she l-likes me" He muttered, myself looking at him to see him blushing lightly as he looked at the bright blue sky through the trees leaves.

"Haven't you been dating her for the past few months?"

---Time Skip---

"Shut up and go get Zuberi" Kahlfani snapped at me making me try to cease my laughter at him. "He should be with my father, around this time"

"Yes, your highness" I smirked before turning tail and running from the room with shouts of laughter as Kahlfani went to bite at me.

---Time Skip---

"He died in his sleep, that's all that matters" Kahlfani muttered, a grim look on his face. Zuberi and I had gone to check on Jaali, both of us worried about him in his old age, but had found out he had passed away in his sleep.

"That m-makes you the Pride L-Leader, Kahlfani"

---Time Skip---

"You're roar is coming along nicely, Akida" Zuberi commented after hearing me practice with my roar once again. I scoffed, pouting as I kicked the dirt with my left paw.

"It's not loud enough. If a Hyena hears that, it'll just laugh" 

---Time Skip---

"Congrats, Jabari" I told Jabari after he finished telling Zuberi, Kahlfani and I that he and Isha were now mates. "Yeah, that's awesome, little brother" Zuberi agreed, giving his youngest brother a pat on the head and messing with his long mane on purpose.

"Dad would be proud, Jabari" Kahlfani stated, all of us smiling at him knowing that Jaali would be.

---Time Skip---

"Asante sana, squash banana!" A very old and familiar voice called through the trees, Zuberi and I raising our heads.

"Rafiki?" I questioned, hearing the voice say the same phrase over again.

"Let's check it out" Zuberi told me, getting up and running towards it with me at his heels.

When we came into a small clearing, we looked up and sure enough, there was the crazy baboon dancing in the tree tops.


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