The goth boy

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Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider or Percy Jackson. They belong to Anthony Horowitz and Rick Riordan respectively.

Note: Sorry for the changing in POV. Either ways, there's going to be a Nico POV.


Alex POV

I felt bad for lying to Percy... However, how could I tell him what Blunt told me? Percy must be really fortunate to have parents and a girlfriend. I'm not sure if Annabeth was his girlfriend, but considering how much she clings onto Percy, I'm guessing they're a couple.

"Alex, lunch is over soon... We should really go to our next class," Sabina nudged me, waking me up from my train of thoughts.

"Yeah... What's our next period?" I asked Sabina.

"Computer class, or something like that." Sabina said, taking out her file to check the timetable.

"Are you Alex Rider?" a boy dressed in black, asked me.

"Yes, may I know who are you?" I asked.

Could he be some teenager from Scorpia, or from my other enemies?

"I'm Nico Di Angelo, a friend of Percy's. We're the same age, I guess... Is this your friend Sabina Pleasure?" He asked pointing to Sabina.

"Yes, I'm Sabina, and Alex's girlfriend/sister. It's complicated, so don't bother asking." Sabina said.

"We have the next class together, want me to bring you guys there?" Nico asked us.

"Sure, we don't know where the Computer Lab is..." I pointed out.

Nico took us into the Computer Lab. Surprisingly, not many students were there waiting for the teacher to arrive. I took in my surroundings - spy instinct. The computers were all by Apple. So I'm guessing this school's quite wealthy. Well duh! How could they afford so many Mac computers?

The teacher soon arrived. If I though Alan Blunt scared the hell out of me, I couldn't believe Mrs Jones was teaching this class. She taught us the basic of Adobe Illustrator. I mean, it's not that hard right? However, Nico, the goth boy, found it really hard to understand it. He kept cursing in Greek. Strange... He was quite good in Greek, considering he knew many foul words in Greek.

"Nico, you're Greek too?" I asked.

"What..? Yeah. I'm half-Greek. Wait... You mean you're a half-" he stopped himself abruptly, and went back to figure out how to use the keyboard.

"I'm not a Greek. Apparently Percy and Annabeth are," I pointed out.

"Yeah... I know that too, I mean, we go to the same camp." Nico said.

"Camp?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah," Nico said, before trying to figure out why up was down, and vice versa. (Y'know, the Mac mouse)

I tried to ignore Mrs Jones monotonously talking on and on about Adobe Illustrator, since I'm pretty good at it. After some time, Mrs Jones picked on me. Just like how Blunt did... She told me to talk to her after class. Why can't the adults just get over the fact that I don't want to work for M16?

"Alex, I need to tell you something urgent," Mrs Jones said, pulling me to a corner.

"I'm not helping you with your Scorpia problems or any of your problems." I said, trying to walk away.

"It's not about M16, Alex. It's much more complicated. It's about your mum," Mrs Jones said.

"I know, Blunt told me how she's not my mum," I said, wanting to leave the conversation.

"Blunt's... Here?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's my Greek mythology teacher." I said. How could Jones not know?

"You've got to go camp, Alex." Mrs Jones said, making sure no one could eavesdrop on us.

"I don't get you at all, Jones. I just want to live an average life with Sabina." I said, making sure she understood me.

"Sabina's here too? Oh no, this is bad." Jones said walking up and down, biting her finger nails.

"Yes, and how is that bad?" I asked, I couldn't believe she said Sabina being here was bad. If anything, Jones and Blunt were bad.

"Okay, it's just that... Gah, I can't say it Alex. You knowing too much is bad enough. Just go for your next class, canoeing." Mrs Jones said, before leaving me dumbstruck - again.

Nico POV

I should've cursed in Latin, and not in Greek. I just exposed myself! Okay, that sounded wrong... But yeah, I almost said half-blood in front of Alex, a mortal! Percy's right, I do have a big mouth. Any way, we had canoeing class, and I knew I shouldn't have signed up for that class. I'm not a good swimmer, or suitable to be in the air. That's cuz I'm a son of Hades - the underworld.

Percy forced me to join canoeing as he knew Alex would be there. Could Alex be a child of Poseidon? He couldn't be, right? He has blonde hair for gods' sake. As we went into the water to test our life jacket, I saw Alex's scar. Indeed, Alex has many scars... But this scar was more prominent. I guess it's because it's a centimeter below his heart.

"How did you get that scar, Alex?" I decided to ask Alex.

"I - I..." Alex didn't know how to answer me.

"A bike injury," Sabina said for Alex.

I didn't believe that lie. Why couldn't Alex say that himself? Just then, an empousai came out....

Chapter posted on: 5 Aug 2012

Next chapter: Today!

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