Alex Rider in Goode High Part 2

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  • Dedicated to my friend Natasja who loves PJ and AR! :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Alex Rider or Percy Jackson! They belong to Anthony Horowitz and Rick Riordan respectively.

Note: Sorry for all the errors. I'm pretty lazy now a days and I'm kinda in a rush to upload my other Percy Jackson fanfic. If there are errors, please tell me so that I can correct! Thanks! :)


Alex POV

English lesson was simple. Since I've been raised in London, my English was good, I guess. After my English class, I had Greek Mythology. Percy brought Sabina and I to our class. Surprisingly, Annabeth came too. The original teacher was absent that day, and a substitute teacher was going to teach us. On the teacher's desk were our Greek textbooks. Some were even in Greek, which surprised me. Many students' wouldn't be able to read Greek! Luckily for me, my uncle, Ian taught me many languages. Greek was one of them. 

"Good morning class, my name is Mr Blunt," the teacher said as he sauntered into class. 

Mr Blunt! That's Alan Blunt! As soon as I saw him, I had fear in my eyes. Was he going to call me and make me work for M16 again? I thought he was fired! I guess Percy saw the way I looked as my face paled, and he asked me if I saw a ghost.

"No... Just... Don't ask me," I hastily replied.

He shrugged it off, and began talking to Annabeth. I guess there was some sort of chemistry between them, but whatever. Mr Blunt gave us an English version of the textbook and a Greek version of the textbook.

To look intelligent, I decided to take the Greek textbook. Surprisingly, both Annabeth and Percy took it too. I guess they knew how to read Greek. 

"Hey Alex, you know how to read Greek?" Percy asked.

"Yeah, my uncle taught me when I was younger..." I replied, remembering Ian Rider. 

"What about you?" I asked Percy as he was speaking in Greek with Annabeth.

"I'm... I'm..." Percy said hesitantly.

"He's part Greek. So am I, and we can't really read English that well as we both have dyslexia," Annabeth replied for Percy.

"Like she said," Percy replied, before continue talking to Annabeth in Greek. 

I could understand a few words they said, but I couldn't understand how they could speak so fluently. Also, they didn't seem half greek to me at all. They seemed... American.

"Name me the 12 Olympian gods, Mr Rider," Blunt aimed the question at me.

"Umm..." I said as I couldn't remember any from my trip to Greece.

"Well, looks like Ian didn't train you well isn't it?" Blunt said as he found his class list to pick another student.

"Don't drag my uncle into this! It's your fault he's dead," I said. I was furious. How could he blame this on my uncle? After all, he sent my uncle to treacherous journeys, coming back with scars and broken limbs.

"Mr Rider, come outside with me once class is dismissed." Blunt said as he shot me a look, I tried to ignore it, but couldn't.

"What about you, Mr... Jackson," Blunt said as he called Percy.

"Poseidon, Demeter, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hermes, Hera, Dionysus, Ares, Zeus and Hephaestus." Percy said simply, as though he memorized the entire textbook. He probably did...

"Hey Alex, you know Mr Blunt?" Annabeth asked, with concern in her grey eyes.

"It's really complicated, and I don't really want to talk about it." I replied, before holding Sabina's hand.

"M16?" Sabina whispered to me so softly, that only I could hear it.

"Yeah..." I replied. 

I've wanted to forget M16 forever since I lived with Sabina and her family. How long more would it take to build a memory erasing machine? I wish I could forget M16. Greek lesson passed quickly, and I was going to have a private talk with Alan Blunt. Alan Blunt... That old man who always showed no emotion. Who played with me last year, and a while this year until he was fired. The guy I never wanted to meet again.

"Alex, as you've heard, I'm sorta... fired from my job," Blunt said as he studied the look of my eyes.

"Yeah, I heard. It's a good thing y'know. Now you can't use teenagers any more to work for M16. Kids' should've never been allowed to go through that." I spat at him.

"Yes, I do regret it now. Although Alex, there's something I've been hiding from you for the past year." Blunt said as he checked to see if anyone was eavesdropping on our conversation.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed that I had to see him again.

"You'll have to figure it out yourself, Alex. But I can give you a hint. It has something to do with your family. Your mum to be exact. She isn't your real mum." Blunt said as he wanted to leave.

"Stop! What do you mean? I thought... She... She..." I wanted to say that she died. Well that was true. But I never wanted to admit it. I wanted to forget 14 years of my life, and start anew. 

"I can't say much Alex. In fact, I'm already telling you too much." Blunt said before he left.

I stood there taking in what Blunt had told me. It didn't make sense at all. I guess I had to wait till the answer found me.

Chapter posted on: 31 July 2012

Next chapter should be posted on: 3 Aug 2012

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