Bad dreams

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Disclaimer: Credit goes to Rick Riordan and Anthony Horowitz, who own Percy Jackson and Alex Rider respectively.

Note: Remember how I wrote it M16. Yeah, it's supposed to be MI6. (mi6) Sorry for that! Thanks to BeckyJaneLakin for spotting the error! 

 Alex POV

"Really guys? You really want to follow me to Asia?" I asked the four them.

The question was mainly directed to Sabina, she obviously didn't seem like someone who would go on a quest... 

"We're friends, Alex. We'd save your butt, and you could save ours!" Percy smiled happily.

I was still thinking if I could ask Leo to lend me the Argo 2 to take it with Asia, when Chiron trotted up to us.

"Alex, what exactly is the prophecy?" 

I repeated the prophecy to him. He and Annabeth suddenly had the face - a thinking face. It was as if the gears in their head started turning, and they were thinking of which country/city it was.

"Garden City... Sounds like somewhere in South East Asia. I can't put a name to it, but that's all I can tell you." With that, Chiron left.

Annabeth was still working on the name, humming to herself silently, while Percy and Nico just looked bored.

"Hey guys!" Leo called out. "I could lend you the Argo 2."

We thanked Leo, and together - me, Sabina, Percy, Annabeth and Nico climbed aboard, heading towards the unknown. We sat in the meeting room, waiting for Annabeth to think more about the place.

"I've got it!" She announced, taking out her Daedulus laptop as she called it. "It's a really small island, but we could start searching there."

She didn't say anything else, but just started the Argo 2, and we trusted her that she'd guide us there... wherever 'there' was. 


Annabeth had taught us how to operate the Argo 2. It was a little hard learning, but we managed to set it to autopilot - thank the gods for that.

"We should be lucky there aren't any monster attacks now," Percy told me. "Probably 'cuz your mum and Tyche are close friends."

"Well, let's hope Tyche loves us." I concluded, before heading to a bunk to sleep.

I passed many rooms. Most of them were from the seven that went to defeat the evil earth goddess. I decided to sleep in Frank's room. It was tidy, and he didn't have boxers strewn all over the floor unlike the other guys - which was a good thing.

Unlike my usual sleep, I had a terrible nightmare.

I was in a city, and the trees looked really fake. I mean, c'mon! They weren't even trees! They were supposed to be, I guess, but they weren't. I took in my surrounding - spy instinct, or more like common sense, but anyways, I saw 3 buildings in front of me, and an boat on the three buildings? I didn't know what to say about this place, but it seemed kinda fancy to me. There was also a river nearby, and a ferris wheel. It was probably bigger than the London's Eye, but I didn't bother as I saw a lady walk past me. 

She wasn't just any ordinary lady, she had a normal woman's body, but had the legs of a serpentine tail of a Drakon.

I read about it once. She was a dracaena... But the closer I looked at her, the mist started changing. She became a he. This was my mortal perception of everything. It scared me. He, or she, was exactly like me. 

The mist cleared again, and I saw that the dracaena was pointing her fingers at two guys, and a spirit. That was the oracle of Delphi, Noel and Apollo. Noel looked somewhat like me, but just like an older brother - like my other siblings in camp. The oracle of Delphi was placed in a jar, and Apollo... well, he looked like a teenage boy. About seventeen or eighteen, with sandy hair and a bright cocky smile. He had that outdoorsy look.

"Listen up. Give me the oracle of Delphi, let me control herrrrr." The dracaena hissed at Apollo.

"Never!" He screamed.

She used Noel as her play toy, hitting him as Apollo rejected. Noel looked pretty weak right now, and didn't seem to have eaten at all. Apollo continued clinging on to the spirit of the oracle of Delphi, not letting her get away. 

The dracaena hissed again, and walked away from the purple fake trees as her minion talked to her. Meanwhile, Noel looked up at Apollo from where he was hanging with prisoner chains.

"Don't let her get it." He grimaced as he was beaten up badly.

Apollo nodded, touching Noel, even though he was chained up to. He gripped onto the jar tightly with one hand, and used the other to touch Noel, healing him in the process. 

I had forgotten. Apollo was the god of medicine, he could heal.

The dracaena soon came back, demanding Apollo to let her ask the spirit of Delphi. Just after she had slapped Noel, hellhounds charged at both of them, making Apollo drop the jar which contained the spirit of Delphi. 

With that, I woke up. I groaned internally, not knowing what happened next. You know that feeling when your favourite character is in trouble and the book just ends there, and you had to wait a whole year for the next book, that was exactly how I felt.


Chapter posted on: 6 Dec 2012

Next chapter: Woaaaah, I don't know..

A/N: Hey guys! I know I've been gone for a longgg time, and that this chapter sucksssss. But seriously... I'm not really someone who enjoys writing adventure novels or something. In fact, it's hard to think of an action scene. Do give me some time. :)

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