When I woke up again, and I wasn't really sure how long I had been asleep. When I glanced over to my board, the date was the same, so I figured it hadn't even been a whole day. I tried not to turn my head too much since my head was still throbbing from the incident earlier. I heard a tiny voice utter a single word before all hell broke loose in the room and around me.
A little girl, no older than five said,"Amethyst?" After she did so, a swirl of people gathered around me, hugging eachother and me. So I did have a family, and they did care, or at least they seemed to. Crying and cheering, they were all shouting at me about how happy they were to see me. But I wasn't really happy to see them. I actually couldnt even tell who they were. I had never seen these people in my life, at least not that I knew of. There was a boy around my age standing in the corner of the room. He was playing with his hands like he was ashamed of something, and it was weird to me that he wasn't cheering and crying and hugging like all the other strangers were doing. It hit me at that moment. He was the boy that had flashed across my brain before I had blacked out. I knew him somehow but I wasn't sure how. I was seriously sick of all the chatter around me though. How was I supposed to figure everything out if I couldnt even hear myself think?
"SHUT UP WILL YOU GUYS?!?" I yelled as loud as my lungs and throbbing head would allow. "I have had the strangest day and the last thing I need is all of you making noise and making my headache worse! Who the hell are all of you people?" With that, the people in the room exchanged looks and they all seemed to look concerned. A few stared like I was some sort of idiot that should have known the answer to that question. The boy in the corner shifted a little to look at me and we made eye contact for a few seconde before he spoke.
"The doctor told us it might happen. You don't remember any of us do you?" His voice sounded pained and tears welled up in his eyes. I told him that I really didn't and I apologized. A few people started crying and one woman sobbed loudly before leaving the room. There was an akward silence for a while before people starting introducing themselves to me. It was so weird having your sister explain who she was, but I had no idea that she was my sister. My mother was the one that ran out of the room earlier. She was sort of tall with a short blonde haircut and the most beautiful blue eyes that I had ever remembered seeing. My dad was taller than her by a few inches with brown hair and blue, less vibrant eyes than hers. My two sisters, 12 and 6, had the same eyes and were mini versions of my mother with longer hair. And the baby, my brother looked exactly like my dad. I cried when I found out that I had missed him being born. I didn't even remember the people and I was crying about a child that I had never met. They let me hold him and he fell asleep in my arms after only a few minutes. I wanted to stay with him forever, but he needed to be fed apparently.
I was introduced to assorted aunts and uncled and cousins, but the boy stayed in the corner and I wanted to know who he was so badly it hurt my head to think about. He stayed in the corner for a while before I finally asked who he was. The man that was my dad shot him a look as he walked over to the bed, and my mother put a hand on his shoulder and they all left. I was in the room alone with a strange boy that I had only seen in memory flashes.
"You don't remember anything about the accident?" I shook my head. "And you don't know who I am?" A tear rolled down his cheek as I shook my head again. "I was your boyfriend, but if you don't want to be with me anymore I understand, considering its like you have barely met me."
At that moment, I felt a pain towards the back of my head and A flash of colors blurred my vision. I would come to know this sensation as the beginning of a flashback, but it was terrifying the first time, and a few times after that even.
**The boy was sitting on a swing and I was next to him in an identical swing in what seemed to be a park. He was laughing at me for being afraid to swing too high. We got off and cuddled in the back of a truck with blankets layed down in it. We were happy and It didn't seem like anything was on my mind other than him at the moment. He kissed me. Even though it was just a vision, it was like i could feel him, I could taste his lips against mine and I wanted more. He was mine, and I had no intention of changing that. From what I saw he made me happy.**
He gave me a look like I had just done the greatest thing ever.
"Your eyes,"he said, "Whenever you get emotional they get a really deep violet color, like now. Look." He pulled a handmirror from his pocket and I looked at myself. My eyes were a gorgeous violet with blue flecks in them. I was emotional and I knew exactly why. I thought I knew who he was, but I only had one memory, one sense to make myself sure. What I said obviously shocked him, or pleased him maybe... Likely both.
"Kiss me. I had this flashback and someone was kissing me. I think it was you, I need to be sure. Please." His eyes lit up and he didn't even hesitate. He leaned over my bed and we both closed our eyes, and our lips connected. I felt sparks flow between us and it was like I had gotten exactly what I had been craving. His lips tasted like cherry chapstick. I hadn't even thought about my breath until I experienced the mintiness of his. I knew once I opened my eyes that It was him. He had such gorgeous eyes. It was like looking into an emerald. Our kiss broke and I melted into his embrace. We just stayed there, hugging until I was sobbing. It was my first physical interaction in over four months and it was great. I felt energized, like I had been active for these past four months, and I was so happy. My body was floating, and he was holding me up. I fell asleep crying in his arms and I wasn't afraid of not waking up this time. If someone so great had waited for me this long, then I knew that he loved me. I could feel it when we kissed. He was perfect and I was elated that he had stayed loyal to me . I had nothing to worry about when I had him waiting for me. I wasn't afraid anymore, and at that moment, I felt like I never had been.

Remembering Moments
Novela JuvenilWhen I awakened I was in a strange room with machines beeping all around me. I couldn't remember what got me there, and no matter how hard i tried, I couldn't even remember how old I was, or my name, There were no mirrors in the room, and what was s...