I stood at Luke's door, him gaping at me as I stood. It was honestly really emberassing. I felt like he was studying me. Had I changed that much since the last time I saw him? I felt like he wanted to say something more to me, but he was too busy figuring out why I was here.
"Luke. I'm sorry I'll just leave now. I can probably catch up with Ashton if I-" I didn't even finish my sentence and the tall boy had picked me up and carried me inside. I was honestly really shocked. He stood there staring at me and then did this? I didn't even know what to think when his family saw me. They all rushed around me and Luke put me down. I ws encompassed by a group hug, and honestly, I was a little scared. A woman that looked like his mother stood in the corner, not moving towards me at all. As I caught her glare, I began to feel the start of another flashback.
** "I don't know why you can't just leave this family alone! Luke has gotten worse the more you have been around!" His mother yelleed at me from the kitchen. I had come to study with Luke, and I was early and his mother didn't seem to hold back on her feelings about me. "Why can't you just see that you don't make him happy anymore Amethyst? You guys were good friends before, but now you're older and things have changed."
"Maam, with all due respect, your son hasn't told me that he doesn't want me around, and I will continue to talk to him until he does so."
"Amethyst, that's just the problem. He'll never tell you to go away, even though you only hurt him. Can't you see it? He loves you Amy, and with Ashton around, he only hurts more around you!" It was a shock that he actually liked me, but I had Ashton.
"He likes me?"
"No, he LOVES you! He told me dear. He even said that once he wanted you to just leave him alone because it sucks so bad for him to see you with Ashton. He hates Ashton with a passion my dear!" I was shocked. Did he really want me to leave him alone? I had feelings for him, but they were always overpowered by those that I held for ashton. I felt horrible for making him hurt. I knew I would have to leave him be for now, and that he would be better if I was gone.
"Okay maam.... I'll leave your son alone." Just then Luke walked through the door. It hurt so bad that he didn't want me around him anymore. I was going to leave him so he could be happy.
"Amy! Youre here early!" He wrapped me into a hug as I felt a tear roll down my cheek and land on his shirt. He pulled me away instantly. "You're crying. Amy what's wrong? Do you wanna go to my room and we can talk?" That was exactly what I wanted.
"No Luke, I'm fine. I was just about to leave anyways. My mom wants me home." I ran past him to the door, sobbing all the way home crying myself to sleep as soon as I got there.**
Everyone had left and it was just me and Luke in the living room. He looked at me before pulling me into another hug.
"Let's go to my room Amy?" I nodded and followed him up. I sat on the bed and couldn't stop myself from breaking down again. "
"I wish the damn flashbacks would just stop!" He seemed confused as he sat next to me, rubbing my back.
"But Amy, aren't those good things? Like they help you remember things right?" I explained it all to him. There are good ones and bad ones. A flashback can make me smile like an idiot or break down crying. There was no middle ground. Today had been nothing but the kind of memories that I didn't want to remember. No matter how hard I desperately tried to stop them, I never could. He looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

Remembering Moments
أدب المراهقينWhen I awakened I was in a strange room with machines beeping all around me. I couldn't remember what got me there, and no matter how hard i tried, I couldn't even remember how old I was, or my name, There were no mirrors in the room, and what was s...