6 Years Old - Written 27/6/18

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By 6 years old I grew up, knew a lot about the world, and experienced things grown men couldn't begin to discern. First off I was molested, yeah I was abused. But hey, that's life, I'm sorry if I pulled a fuse. I remember it so clearly, the night I was first taken. Taken from my home, no, not the molestation. For a few years my mom and dad were always fighting, while I was sitting on the middle line, always crying. One night he bashed her nose, she screamed at me to call the police, next thing I know, time just seemed to freeze. I remember next, standing in a doorway, to what I later found out was a group home, desolate and forlorning. Looking back today at the age of 16, I just wanna thank you, Miss Kristen, for not being mean. I was always your McNugget, and you like my older sister. Myrtle Beach got lighter, the storm clouds lifted, and for once in my life, I could be a kid again.


Hey, this took a lot out of me when I wrote it, reliving all of that pain. But do not fear, there is more pain to come. XO.

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