Number Two

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This morning everything started out normal. I woke up, got prepared for school, then I went to school. On the way there everything was perfectly normal. Now, when I got to my destination is when everything started to get a little bit strange. I arrived at the parking lot where I would usually be dropped off and noticed that only half of the cars were present. Which for me was really strange because the parking lot was never this empty. There was always a line of at least 20 cars.

I got out of the car and as I entered the cafeteria, I realized that the cafeteria was also almost completely empty. Now, you actually had space to sit down. I walked towards my friends at the corner of the cafeteria. Christine wasn't with them, and she was always part of the few people that would get to school first. Erik was here though, so at least I have someone to talk to.

"Was there a holiday that I didn't hear about or..." I asked. Many of my friends that aren't relevant shrugged their arms. Erik, you remember him? Yeah, he was the only one that answered.

"Nobody told me there was a holiday. I tried texting and calling some of the people that aren't here but... they don't respond."

"Did you ask any of the teachers?" I asked. Erik quickly scanned the room in search of teachers. "Dude, most of the teachers aren't even here. And the ones that are, don't know anything. They didn't hear about a holiday."

I sat down with them on the tables. I took the phone out of my pocket, which wasn't allowed in school because that's how life is sometimes, and I began to text Christine.

"Are you on your way? Half of the school is gone, and nobody knows where they are. There wasn't a holiday, right?" She was taking a while to respond. I had to hurry, class was about to start in a couple of minutes. I checked the time on my phone, 8:45. Class begins at 9.

"Michael, is Christine responding?" Asked Erik as he stuffed a breakfast donut into his mouth."

"No, not yet at least. Dude, I think everybody like, died." I said looking down at my phone to check for messages. Erik chewed the donut in his mouth down until he could swallow it, "Or maybe everybody just woke up this morning, and decided to go back to sleep."

"To be honest, that's something I would do. I would definitely rather stay sleeping all day, and not go to school."

I looked down at my phone, but still no messages. The cafeteria was still basically empty, only with a couple more people. I looked through the window on the cafeteria wall and found that there were no more cars in the parking lot.

"Dude look, the parking lot is empty. This is actually weird."

Erik wiped his hands on his shorts and looked through the window. "Yeah that's weird I mean, but like, that happens every once in a while. It's really not that crazy." I nodded, "Yeah you're right."

I looked down at my phone to find that Christine still hadn't messaged back. "Yeah, I guess it's really not that crazy." I said as I muted my phone and put in back in my pocket.

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