Number Twenty-two

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"What do we do?" I whispered at Delta as the guards looked me in the eye.

"We have to go with them." Said Delta as he lifted his hands up higher.

"Why can't you super-speed us out of this?" I whispered.

"We have to earn their trust," Said Delta. "Show them that we don't want to harm them." One of the guards growled at me and pointed the spear closer to my neck, signaling me to move backward, and I did.

"Where are you taking us?" I asked.

"Michael. Shut up." Angrily whispered Delta as we continued walking backward. The guards had a death stare locked onto my eyes, making it difficult to look at them.

"Can you like, fix this issue please?" I violently whispered. "They're going to murder us!"

"Micahel shut up right now," Violently responded Delta. "You're going to make this worse."

"If we don't do something now, we're both going to die," I whispered as they backed us up into a wooden hut.

"Michael if you keep talking," Said Delta, now talking in a normal tone. "I'm going to kill you before they do."

"Ok," I said, as the guards set us down on the ground. "So, they are going to kill us?"

"Michael, literally just shut up and we'll get through this." Said Delta as he looked around the inside of the hut, which was empty. There was nothing in the hut, it was only the wall and a small pile of sticks in the center.

"Michael," Said Delta. "Someone is going to walk through that open door and talk a language that I don't understand. I need you to talk for me."

"Like hell, I'm going to do that," I said as I turned around realizing there were guards behind us. "Ok then."

"You're going to tell them that we're here to learn more about them," Said Delta. "Tell them we're only going to be here for a couple days."

"What if I don't understand them?" I asked. Delta turned his head to me, looking at me like I was stupid.

"Oh yeah, I forgot," I responded like an idiot.

"Just focus on not getting us in a situation that could ruin our plans," Said Delta. "We only have on chance to convince these people, so please don't ruin it for all of us because that would make everything a lot more difficult." I looked back at Delta, nodding as someone walked through the door. I was a relatively small man, around 5 feet. He had multiple bead collars hanging around his neck, all of them being blue. He had what seemed to be a crown on his head, it was small, but it was very elegant. It seemed to be made from a special blue mineral and had small, sharp edges coming out of all sides.

The man stood in front of us, stared at us for a couple seconds, and sat down across on the other side of the sticks.

"You're going to get us killed damnit." Said Delta as he looked at me. The man grunted loudly at Delta, signaling him to stay silent.

"Sorry sir," Said Delta quickly. "I'm so sorry sir, I won't do that again." The man now looked at me with the most threatening look I had ever seen in my life.

"Who are you?" He asked me. I turned to Delta, then back at the man, then back at Delta, and back at the man.

"Can you understand him?" I asked Delta.

"Why are you talking to me?!" Yelled Delta in response. I nodded.

"You're right, you're right," I said, looking back at the man. I could feel the guard's breathe behind me on my neck.

"My name is Michael, and this is my friend, Delta," I told the man. He seemed to understand what I was saying, even though to me, everything sounded the same. "We're here to learn more about your people. We believe you may lead us to an extraterrestrial power." The man didn't respond. At first, I thought he didn't understand me, and I was just talking in English, but it turns out I wasn't.

"What power do you speak of?" Said the man.

"Well, I don't know what your people call them," I explained. "But we call them The Prime Colors. Colors that give the holder an unparalleled power." The man looked up at the guards that were standing behind us.

"Is everything going well?" Delta asked, but I ignored him.

"And how would you know these colors even exist?" Asked the man. I looked him in the eye and slowly lifted my arm. Delta looked at us both, confused. The man seemed calm. I focused energy into my hand, igniting small, blue lightning sparks in my hands, lighting up the inside of the hut, making me realize the sun was only a couple minutes from setting. The man in front of us gasped, his eyes became large, and face became pale. I can only assume the face of the guards behind us were the same. I focused a little more energy, making even more sparks bounce off from my hands onto the ground. The man looked closer at my hand, trying to get a closer look.

"Careful, you might get shocked a little," I said as I looked back at Delta.

"I guess it's all going well." He said. I looked back at the man, who now looked like a kid who was just told where babies really came from.

"You're him," Said the man, his voice shaking. "You're the God of Resurgence." I lowered my hand, the sparks on my hand stopped bouncing off. I turned to Delta with a confused look.

"What did he say?" Asked Delta.

"He said, I'm a God," I told him. "He said I'm the God of Resurgence." Delta looked at me, then at the man, then back at me.

"The God of Resurgence?" Said Delta, also confused. "Doesn't that mean like, bringing yourself back from the dead?" I turned back to the man.

"What does 'resurgence' mean?" I asked the man.

"Resurgence," Explained the man. "Means to come back."

"He said to come back from something." I translated to Delta.

"Come back from what?" Asked Delta. I shrugged in response.

"You'll start it all," Said the man. "But you'll be there to end it." I stared back at the man. What am I going to start?

"The God of Resurgence," Said the man, I could see the fear in his eyes. "You are, the Ghost."

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