Number Twenty-nine

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"Shoot!" Yelled Delta again, this time his voice was a lot shakier, he was running out of air. Valko looked me in the eye, he trusted me, and I had to return that trust.

I charged up my arm electricity and watched the lightning bolt strike.

Valko immediately flew back with enormous amounts of force, knocking the side of the hut. Delta instantly sped right next to me with his hand on his throat. I looked over at Overdrive on my left who was lying on her back, she was looking around, but she didn't seem very conscious. The lights of the village began to turn on as soldiers and villagers began rushing out.

"You made the right choice," Said Delta. "Thank you."

"What if I didn't?" I asked, charging my arms with electricity.

"In the alternate universe, Overdrive was the reason the planet died, she led the people that set the world on fire," Explained Delta. "I gave her a chance in this universe, but no more. We can't let her go down on that path." I nodded, looking towards the hole that Valko's body had left. I had blasted him into the forest, but I don't know how long he'll take to come back.

"Valko's going to come back," Said Delta as he walked over to the soldiers. "We need to be ready." I walked over to the hole in the wall, realizing how much force I hit Valko with. I would say that I was worried about Valko, but what scared me more is that he might not have been hurt. I ran towards Delta, who was talking with the soldiers.

"We have a code white," Said Delta. "Fight to kill." Suddenly, the entire sky lit up with a bright, white light. I turned around to see the same beam of light coming from the trees that I had seen a couple days ago. Suddenly, the light, disappeared, and a loud rustling noise came from the same direction as the light, something big was moving through the trees. The villagers behind us began chanting.

"Micael, you're up." Said Delta as he patted my shoulder. I sighed and slowly lifted myself up in mid-air. I focused immense amounts of energy into my body, causing a lightning to strike me from above. My suit began glowing blue along with the veins in my hands. I looked over the treetops to see a bright light coming from the jungle floor, I watched as it reached the clear, where I could now see it was Valko, completely glowing white. There wasn't lightning surrounding him like me, it looked more like glowing crystal shards that revolved around him. He looked up at me, and I looked down at him, and the fight began. He launched himself up towards me, but I blasted a bolt of lightning down to him, slamming him back down to the ground. I charged my body up, and shot a continuous bolt of lightning towards him, keeping him down on the ground as I lowered myself back down.

"Stop fighting!" I yelled, but he probably couldn't hear me over the sound of electrical sparks. Suddenly, the lightning bounced off of him and launched into the sky. He got up from the floor and looked down at his hands. I took the chance and fired another bolt of lightning at him, but it bounced right off again, this time striking another hut.

"Your powers have no effect on me anymore," Said Valko as he walked closer to me, igniting his hands into a bright, white glow. He aimed his hands at me, and launched glowing shards of glass at me, I jumped to the left, dodging the shards, but Valko kept firing and firing more shards. Eventually, I managed to launch a bolt of lightning in return, canceling his shards out, but it wasn't more powerful. The lightning and shards collided between us, creating a ball of orange light in the center. The lightning bounced of the shards, sending sparks flying out backward, but the shards simply cracked and disintegrated.

As I kept the steady beam of lightning in Valko's direction, I looked to my left to see Kevin, yes that Kevin, running up to Valko, his hands glowing red. He lifted himself in the air, fire coming out of his hands like a rocket, and landed on the roof of a hut, right beside Valko. He aimed his hands at Valko and engulfed him in flames. Valko grunted at the heat and stopped firing shards. He fell back and tried to run away from the fire, but Delta sped right past him at lightning speed, and knocked him over, getting Valko closer to us.

"You're not getting away from us," Said Delta as pulled his fist back, ready to punch Valko, but Valko blasted him away with a punch, sending him flying into the forest. Valko stood back up, finding that Kevin was now behind him, and I was in front. Other soldiers began surrounding Valko, I would think that they were normal humans, but they weren't. Each had some sort of special ability, or at least I thought they did.

"Stop fighting here and we can settle this," Said one of the soldiers as his fists sparked with lightning bolts, but they weren't blue like mine, they were yellow. Another soldier took a step forward, he pulled blades out that began glowing red. Another person stepped forward and erupted into flames, another person literally lifted rocks from the ground with their mind.

"My powers may not affect you anymore, but there's will," I said to Valko. He continuously rotated, realizing he was completely surrounded and that he couldn't run away. Suddenly he closed his eyes and lowered his arms. At first, I thought he was surrendering, but then I realized he was focusing his energy.

"EVERYBODY RUN!" I yelled as Valko exploded in a white light. The force of the explosion sent everyone flying back. In the split second that I was awake before I was knocked unconscious, I could see all the soldiers, all the villagers being completely blasted in separate directions, I could see the entire village being completely blown away by the force of Valko's blast, leaving nothing left.

Everything went black.

This day was the catalyst for the end of the world.

Remember that.  

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