Number Eight

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I'm going to make the next two chapters longer than usual since I didn't write anything for the past two days.

Delta sped us down to the ground level from the perch where we had talked. He stopped right behind the guards at the doors. Overdrive held the glowing knife in her left hand and aimed her hand at the other guard. She thrusted the knife into the guard's neck, making a mess all over the floor. And as the other guard noticed and immediately pulled the trigger to his gun, I quickly took a few steps back, not realizing that the bullets hadn't fired nor made a sound. Overdrive walked towards the guard. He tried to defend himself, trying to punch Overdrive in the stomach, but she caught the arm and bent it backwards, making a small bone emerge from the inside. The man seemed to yell, but he made no sound. Overdrive plunged the burning knife into his heart. The man opened his mouth and seemed to scream, but he didn't make a sound. She knelt to his body and removed a key card. "That's step one done."

I looked down at the two bodies in shock. "I didn't hear anything."

Overdrive inserted the key card into a small lock in the door. "I negated the sound energy in the air that would've been produced by their yelling. Same thing with the gun." She removed the card, and the lock blinked red. Maybe the other side.

"And how comes the gun didn't fire at you?" I asked. Overdrive inserted the card the other way. "I also negated the kinetic energy in his gun, making it so the bullets couldn't move." She said. The lock blinked green, opening the door. Overdrive peeked inside then peeked back.

"There are a few guards at the end of the hallway, but I can handle them. You two need to get to the Security Control Room or else we aren't leaving." She said.

"Wait, how comes the gate is a problem now," I asked. "How did you get in here?"

"We were dressed as the guards. We had the uniforms and everything. But one of us got sloppy," Overdrive said, looking at Delta. "And almost got us caught. We can't take that chance again, especially with someone as important as you, we're going to have to hurry before they lock this entire place down."

Overdrive walked through the door. Now with a knife in each hand. She walked slowly down the hallway. Once the guards at the end of the hallway acknowledged her presence, she threw both knives at them, and before either of the guards could lift their weapon, they each dropped dead without a sound. Delta quickly walked me into the first door in the hallway. There was just cleaning gear. Some mops, soap, a couple of brooms and buckets.

"What room is this?" I asked. I looked at the front of the door expecting words but there were numbers instead. "Shit, that's going to make this very difficult. There are ten turns. Meaning there are literally dozens, maybe even hundreds of rooms that we have to go through." Said Delta.

"Well can't just speed through them all in a couple of seconds?" I asked. Delta shook his head, "I can't go too fast in a hallway, it'll tear the walls apart and destroy everything because of my speed. I need to go fast, but not that fast."

"Wait what do you mean 'I'?" I asked.

"I can't move that fast with you, it might damage you. You aren't used to moving at that speed for long periods of time. It could injure you. You're going to stay here, while I go through every single room. When I find you, I'll come back and bring you to the room. Deal? Ok good."

"Didn't Overdrive say not to-" But before I could finish, Delta was already off, speeding through the hallways, leaving a small spark where he once stood.

I stood there by the doors, waiting for him to come back. I looked down at my hands to see if I could make lightning spark, but nothing. Suddenly, I heard someone talking outside the doors. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but they didn't seem to be in a hurry. Guards began walking through the doors. About five or six. I hid behind the doors, so they wouldn't see me when they walked in, but the last guard decided to look behind and screw me over. And swear to you, he muttered "oh shit" under his breath. He aimed the gun at me and fired a bullet at my chest, alerting the others.

I fell back, thinking I was dead, but I looked at my chest to see there was no bullet mark. I looked up at the guard and I could see the shock in his eyes. I slowly stood up, the other guards immediately fired their guns and riddled me in bullets, but something was protecting me. I looked at my chest to see that there was lightning all over my body, blocking the bullets. I walked towards the closest guard and tried to punch him in the stomach. He caught my hand, but as he held on, the veins on his hand began to glow, he removed his hand and started yelling in pain. I followed through with the punch in to his stomach, a lightning bolt emerged from the other side of his stomach connecting with the five other guards that were aimed at me. I could feel a surge of energy flowing out of me and into my hand. The lightning bolt lit up and knocked all the other guards back against the wall. The aftermath, six guards on the floor, all who were possibly dead. I looked down at my hands to see small blue spark of lightning bouncing of my fingertips and onto the floor. I looked around the floor at the bodies and noticed that there was steam coming off of them.

Delta suddenly appeared next to me, his face sweating. "What the hell happened?"

"Some guys came through the door, had to do something," I responded.

Delta looks at the bodies, "Holy shit, what did you do?"

"I punched a guy, and lightning popped out and electrocuted all of them," I said.

"Wait, lightning came out of your hands and into them?" He asked. I nodded in return.

Delta's face became pale. "Damn." He stood there, staring at the bodies for a couple of seconds. He knelt down and touched the area that the lightning had bolted through. He bolted back a little. "Ow"

"What happened?" I asked. He stood up and put his hand on my shoulder. "The electrical energy is still strong inside his body."  

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