Number Thirty-four

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Everyone stood in their place, nobody moved a single muscle, nobody said a word. We brought crates filled with supplies, but no weapons, we were the weapons. I grabbed a radio from one of the crates as Valko and Overdrive walked away.

"Group B, are you ready? I asked into the radio. "It's about to start." It took a moment to receive a message, but they came through.

"This is group B, we're ready," A voice responded. I looked out into the other side of the island, knowing they were invisible. "Signal when you're ready."

"Noted," I responded, putting the radio back down. I walked over to my stop, next to Daniel as he stared at Overdrive and Valko. I could see the pain in his eyes, realizing what he was about to do.

"You know, when I first met Aria," Said Delta. "I watched her murder someone in cold blood."

"This was on the other universe, right?" I asked. Delta nodded.

"It was her alternate version," He said. "I was 14 at the time. Imagine a kid, seeing someone murder another person right in front of him."

"Sounds terrible," I said. I couldn't possibly imagine something like that, I've never seen a person get killed in front of me.

"Even though that wasn't my first time, it still shook me," Said Delta. A sudden cold chill went up my spine.

"What are you saying? -"

"Look!" Someone yelled. I looked forward to the other side of the island, seeing large a large number of soldiers facing us from the other side of the island. There were large boats behind them, not carriers, but they were still big. I couldn't see or hear any helicopters in the sky. I could only see the large cluster of people, but I couldn't make out how many of them there were. I lifted my hand, ready to give the order.

"Speedsters! On Delta's command!" I yelled, looking back, seeing some people in the crowd slowly move forward. I looked towards the soldiers on the other side, waiting for them to make a move. Suddenly, a voice came from the radio on the crate.

"They're slowly moving forward," Said the voice. "We're waiting for your command."

"Forward!" I yelled, grabbing the radio, starting to walk towards the other side of the island. I would take a while before both sides met, but much less before they're side started firing. I looked back, seeing almost everyone walking behind me, the weaker groups stayed behind.

"Should we attack now?" Asked the voice. I stared at the soldiers walking towards us, I couldn't see Valko anywhere in the front, maybe he was in the sky, waiting to attack, there was no way they didn't come up with a plan as well.

"Not yet," I spoke into the radio. "Wait until they start running." Suddenly, I could hear a low sound coming from the other side of the island, all the soldiers started to yell.

"They're running," Said the voice. I looked to me, Delta had his squadron of speedsters walking behind him, Kevin on my other side with his group as well.

"So are we," I said into the microphone. I lifted my arm, charging it up with electricity, and shot a blue lightning bolt up into the sky, sending the noise cracking around us.

"Now!" I yelled as I started running, focusing all of my energy into my body, slowly beginning to glow blue. Everyone behind me started running as well, I could hear the hundreds of footsteps running behind me, following me into the battlefield. On my right side, Delta suddenly bolted forward, I could see his blur, moving towards the groups of soldiers at lightning speed followed by dozens of other blurs right behind him, all leaving a burnt trail in the grass. On my left side, Kevin was running forward, his hands were completely engulfed in flames. I quickly looked back as I ran, trying not to trip, seeing dozens of people on fire, running behind him, immense heat filled that side of the group.

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