Number Twenty-one

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I expected the forest to be boiling in heat, but my suit kept me cold. Delta and I led the team. The trees around us completely blocked the sun, and there were animals surrounding us. We couldn't see any, but we could hear them, everywhere.

"Hey um, Delta," I asked. "Do you have a blade on you?" Delta continued walking forward without turning his head.

"For what?" He asked.

"So I can... not... walk into a spider web," I said, ducking my head. "There are branches all around us, and I'm not about that life right... now."

Delta turned his head to me as he walked forward, smirking.

"The strongest person in the world," Said Delta. "Is afraid of spiders? Aw that's adorable."

"Spiders are disgusting creatures that deserve to be eradicated." I said.

"Hold on, let me find a spider for you," Said Delta as he looked closer at the branches.

"I will lightning blast your ass back to the stone age," I said to Delta as he continued walking, chuckling at me.

"So, is Africa not a thing for Overdrive?" I asked.

"She actually came with us," Said Delta. "She's back at the jet making sure it's guarded until come back."

"She's going to be staying there for the entire mission?" I asked.

"No," Said Delta as he ducked under a fallen wooden tree. "She'll join us tomorrow morning. We won't start until she's with us. She needs to be present." I looked behind the team, trying to find the jet, but I only saw green.

"How much longer until we reach the village?" I asked.

"I have no idea-"

"ON YOUR TWELVE!" Suddenly Delta got into a fighting position. I could hear the sounds of guns preparing to fire. I looked up ahead and saw nothing but a large bush. I clenched my fists, igniting my fists into a glowing ball of lightning. I couldn't see anything ahead of us, I couldn't anything either.

"Everyone, quiet." Commanded Delta. Everyone became dead silent except for me. My lightning made a low vibrating sound. I opened my hands, powering the lightning down. I listened closer, realizing a growling sound coming from the bush. Delta knelt down into a running position. I looked closer at the bush, seeing a pair of golden eyes emerge from the green. The spotted beast slowly inched closer and closer to us.

"Can you shoot it?" I whispered behind me.

"The silencer won't silence it as much. The sound will still echo through the forest," Said one of the soldiers. "You're just a kid, you wouldn't understand."

I looked back at the jaguar that was now only a couple yards away. The soldier was right, I didn't understand. I clenched my fists, focusing my body until I dispersed into the air. In my electrical form, I moved closer to the Jaguar until I was face-to-face with it. I aimed my energy at the heart of the Jaguar and released it. I was moving at lightning speed, so the jaguar hadn't felt it yet. I moved back to where I stood and returned back to my physical form.

The jaguar immediately dropped onto the floor, knocked out. Delta stood back up, confused. I looked back at the soldier, winking. He looked away.

"What the hell happened?" He asked. I lifted my arm and ignited a small spark of lightning from my fingers.

"Oh," Said Delta. "Ok then. I forgot you could do that."

"Yeah, sometimes I do too," I said as I continued walking. "Let's keep going, we have somewhere to be." Delta nodded as he continued walking by my side. I could hear the soldiers behind us talking about something. I guarantee you, it was something about me.

We continued walking the entire day, and it was close to sundown. We had been walking a lot slower since our encounter with the jaguar, we didn't want anything bad to happen. When suddenly, we saw fire in the distance. At first, I thought it was just the sunlight, but one of the soldiers scoped in with their gun just to make sure and yes, it was a fire.

"Myself and Michael will head along, everybody else, stay here until we come back." Said Delta as he grabbed to go along. The soldiers waited by themselves. And that's when I realized, how is it, that a kid around my age, could lead a squadron of soldiers?

"Hey, Delta?" I asked him. "How is it that someone of your age leads a group of soldiers?" Delta continued walking, eyes focused on the fire, but he didn't ignore me either.

"I've seen a lot in my lifetime," Said Delta. "I've seen what the entire world can look like when everything is flipped upside down. I've seen more in the time span of three days than you will ever see in your life." I stayed silent, understanding what he meant by that, but still lost.

"The reason I'm so high up in this, rank of ours," Said Delta. "Is because I've lived a longer lifetime in a shorter amount of time." Now I was really lost, but I didn't ask any questions because I didn't want to make myself look like an idiot. I was only 13 years old by this time.

13 years old? I bet you're wondering how someone like me, a 13-year old, could do everything that happened so far in the story I've told you. Now, before my abilities activated, I was a normal 13-year old. After that, everything in my body got a little boost. My mind, my senses, my strength (obviously). I just wanted to make sure you remembered that, because later on in this story, you're going to forget that, and it's going to be very confusing. You're good? You understand now? Very well, let's continue the story.

"The village entrance is right in front of us, Michael." Said Delta. There was a bush in front of us. I moved the bush slowly with my hand, revealing multiple wood, and mud huts. There were natives walking around the village, some with bowls, some with animals by their sides, and some with spears and shields.

"We're both going to slowly walk in there," Said Delta. "Slowly, so we aren't killed." I nodded, ready to move in. Delta nodded, we both turned around, and to our surprise, the guards had already found us... with their spears pointed at our necks. 

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