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just thought you guys should know I posted the prologue for my ashton fanfic and it's quite short but it's still something so cAN YOU GUYS PLEASE CHECK IT OUT IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH :)

malias perspective;

Luke stayed the night again (for about the 4th time in 2 weeks) and all night he kept on thanking me for making dinner for him (even though it was disgusting) and it made me so happy seeing him so happy about something that I thought I had ruined.

"Do you want something to eat?" I asked Luke, walking into the kitchen (which was connected to the living room) and opening the cabinets.

"What do you have?"

"We've got some cookies?"

"Bring me the cookies, Malia Smith," Luke sang in a deep movie voice, making me giggle.

I took the box of cookies and went into the living room where Luke was sat on the couch in only a pair of sweats, exposing his perfectly inked skin. I couldn't help but admire all the drawings and words that were plastered onto him, after all I loved tattoos.

"Here you go," I smiled, dropping myself next to Luke and placed the box in his lap.

"Malia Smith?" Luke pouted looking at the box of Jaffa cakes, then back to me.


"This is a cake," Luke giggled.

"No it's not, it's a cookie," I furrowed my eyebrows.

"It's a cake, Malia Smith. 'Jaffa Cakes', the word cake is literally in the name," Luke laughed, scrunching his nose up in the cutest way possible.

"Cakes don't look like this," I said, taking one out of the box and showing it to him.

"Cookies aren't called cakes."

"It's a cookie, Luke."




"Cookie!" I shouted, beginning to get annoyed.

"Cake!" Luke shouted back, sitting up and looking at me dead in the eye.

Before I could say anything else, Erin's voice blasted through the hallway and into the living room, "Shut the fuck up with your cookies and cakes just eat the fucking thing!"

"Sorry," I shouted back, looking at Luke before we both broke out into a fit of laughter.

I rolled my head back, leaning my back onto the couch as he leaned forward and hovered himself over me.

His blue eyes examined mine as we lay in silence, until he spoke again.

"Malia Smith?"

"Yes, Luke Hemmings?" I answered, pushing a piece of his blonde hair behind his ear.

"What's the rules for the kissing game?" he smirked, leaning down and gently pressing his lips against my neck. The sudden connection had electricity run through my body as he slowly began to leave a trail of kisses around on my neck, desperately trying to find my sweet spot.

"Well," I huffed, suddenly out of breath. "The rule book does say that neck kissing is allowed," I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck as my fingers found their way to his hair.

"Does it now?" Luke asked against my neck, nibbling gently on the spot the made me go crazy.

"Fuck," I moaned quietly, tugging gently on the ends of his hair.

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