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ok you have permission to shout at me for not updating in literally a month, I've just been super busy and I haven't had the time but I'm gonna try and update more lately, so that's good :)

this chapter starts off from the morning after their sleepover thing and NO they did not frickle frakle

anywayssss, lets jump right in //

malias perspective;

"Do it again, please."

"Say the magic word?" Luke grinned.

"Do it again . . . Mr.Hemmings."

"Okay . . . Are you ready?" he asked as a smirk plastered across his face.

"Yes sir."

He took a deep breath before beginning. "And at that moment, he knew he had fucked up," he said in his best Morgan Freeman voice, making both of us to burst out into laughter.

"You're great,' I laughed.

"You're even greater," he chuckled, gently pulling me closer to his side of the couch. His lips found their way to mine in a matter of about 2 seconds, but we were once again interrupted to the sounds of Calum coughing and wheezing from the other room.

"Is he okay?" I asked, placing my hands on his chest.

"Yeah, he'll be fine," Luke shrugged, quickly placing his lips against mine.

"Luke," I whined, gently pushing him off me. "Please go check up on him? I feel bad making out with you when he's in the other room coughing his guts out," I explained as my fingers played with the back of his hair.

"Fine," he sighed hesitantly, before getting off the couch and making his way into Calum's room.

He was in there for about 10 minutes and I was beginning to get worried. "Luke, is everything okay in there?" I called from the living room.

"Yeah," he said, walking into the leaving room and leaning his shoulder on the door frame. "Calum vomited everywhere," Luke explained, scrunching his nose up slightly (which might I add was fucking adorable).

"Is he okay?" I asked, standing up from the couch and walking over to Luke.

"Not really, but he'll be okay. Probably just caught the virus or something," Luke shrugged as his eyes tried to avoided mine by wandering around the room.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, gently placing my hand on his arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Look Malia, I don't want you to catch whatever Calum has. Do you want me to drop you home now?"

"What?" I managed to choke out.

"I really don't want you to get sick, Malia. I'll go pack up all of your stuff, cool?" He explained, running into his room to get all of my stuff.

"Cool," I whispered to myself even though he couldn't hear me.

I was so utterly confused. Was it something I had done wrong? Something I had said?

I doubt it.

But I still can't seem to understand what would make him want me out of his house so quickly. I knew that Calum was sick, but then again . . . I never saw him.

Before even thinking about what I was doing, I quickly made my way into Calum's room, making sure to be as quit as possible. The door was already slightly open, so I gently pushed it a bit more.

My head popped into the crack of the door to see Calum lying down on his bed with a chocolate bar in one hand and his phone in the other. I watched him as he continued to silently laugh at whatever he was looking at on his phone.

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