Chapter 7

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"Dee, I'm legit pressed about this. I feel like Jai is avoiding me." I say taking a long sigh. "Why would she do that though? Did you say anything out of pocket to her or whatever?" She says sounding uninterested.

"No..." I say trailing off. I hear the bell ringing telling us that class was dismissed. Dee and I walk out with our supplies, continuing our conversation.

'Should I tell her? No, we promised not to say shit to anyone.' I think to myself. I feel my phone buzzing my pocket, I take it out checking my notifications.

'meet at my house, 5:30' was the text I got from Jai. Dee took out her phone, checking it; she must've gotten the same text. "Oh, now she wants to have us over." Dee says rolling her eyes.

I check the time, shooting her a text back 'fosho, omw'. I walk out of the building along with Dee, as we both hop into our separate cars.

I follow behind her, as we soon make it to Jai's house. I get out the car, fixing my clothes and making sure I look decent. I run my hand through my curly curls.

I follow Dee up to the door, as she rings the door bell waiting for Jai to answer the door. Soon I see jai's face appear in the doorway.

"Come in." she says whispering. "Why the fuck are you whispering, weirdo ass nigga." Dee says walking through the door. She stops in her tracks, frozen in place.

"Oh fuck no, what the hell are you doing here?" I hear her say. 'Oh shit.' I say to myself, taking a deep breath in.


I walk inside of Jai's house to see Taylor sitting comfortably on the blue colored couch sitting in the living room. I'm frozen in shock, I havent seen her in months it feels like.

I look at her sitting there as if she's not real, tears begin to form in my eyes as I stand there still frozen. "Are you going to move out of the doorway, nigga?" I hear Kavii in an annoyed tone.

I slowly walk into the house, still unsure about why she'd be here and why Jai would call us here to see her. I awkwardly sit down in the chair in front of her.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Taylor says looking at me and looking off. I sit there amazed, 'She hasn't changed a bit.' I think. Kavii eventually takes a seat next  Jai in the love-seat.

"Tell them why you're here." Jai says looking at Taylor. "Okay so, I'm on trial and before I go to jail I just wanted to talk." She says, with sadness in her tone.

"Trial for what, nigga?!" I yell confused and angry, raising out of my seat. "I killed my ex and the girl she cheated on me with." She says rubbing the back of her neck. "You're an idiot." I breath out, taking my seat once again.

'That could've been me.' I think to myself, breathing out.

[sorry , my update schedule is messed up. but , yeah .. when are your birthdays ? mine is december 9th .]

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