Chapter 12

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a.n. - you know , I just realized it hasn't been in deedra's pov in a hot minute .

[ Jaii ]

I walk out of the bathroom seeing Kavii finishing off the porn I never finished. "Ew, you watch this shit?," she says scoffing "I tried to finish it but, this ain't it chief."

"That's why little kids aren't supposed to be in grown folks business." I say chuckling.

"You're only 4 months older than me." She says rolling her eyes. "4 months 3 days and 2 hours." I say correcting her. "You irritate me." "I know." I reply slyly.

I see my phone lighting up, from on the bed and I go over to pick it up. Kavii beats me to it, as I see her eyes reading the message. "Since when do you talk to Chyna?" She asks. "Since never, what'd she say?" I say as my heartbeat begins to pick up pace.

"Nah, nah. Y'all have been texting on and on. What is this about ... she wants to get put on with Dee but, 'you're not doing your part'." She says looking me for an explanation.

Should I tell her or . . . not ?

Tell her fool , she's your girlfriend don't lie.

What ? She would you tell her ? She'd kill you ! You're a shitty girlfriend ,if you tell her .

"Would both of y'all shut up." I whisper, to myself cursing my mental. "What?" She says flinching. "My bad, umm . . . I said--"

"You clearly can't fucking tell me, I'm out."

"No wait! I-I, okay soo . . ."

"What?" She says slightly raising her voice. "So . . . remember when I sent you the video we took together?" Yeah she says looking at me with a confused look. "Well, I accidentally sent it to Chyna and now she's blackmailing me," I sit down on my bed, pulling Kavii down with me

"I either put her on with Dee or our video is going to be known school wide and maybe possibly worldwide and we cant even charge for child pornography because we're both 18." I says sighing out.

"You what? Run that by me again." She says slowly standing up. " She . . . Has . . . Our . . . Video . . . "I say slowly. "What the fuck!" She gets up screaming at the top of her lungs. "You better get to working or not only are we over but, we're not speaking." She says walking out of the door.

Once again, I was alone in my room. I sighed out, picking up my phone again finding myself back on the private tabs. 'Maybe a little video will make me feel better.' I think to myself, laying back and start the video back over.

"ahhh . . . life is complete shit." I sigh out growing wet at the sound of the women moaning.


I never really talk to you guys . so heeeeey ! umm , I don't know what to say . um , worst breakup

mine was : we were texting and i got a call out of nowhere and said that there was no reason to be with me anymore and got the bestfriend on the phone to talk shit to me 😁 .

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