Chapter 9

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"I'm here for you, buddy." She says giving me her signature smile. She lets herself in walking past me. "Oh okay." I say looking dumbfounded still standing at the door.

"So, Jai come here. It's about our deal." she says loud enough for everyone to hear. "Yes?" I say walking closer to her, shoving her in the closest room so that we can have a private conversation.

"Okay so, did you talk to Donnie?" She asks me looking t me intentlu. "Oh shit, I forgot. " I say rubbing the back of my neck. "So what I'm hearing is you want the video to be sent to the whole school?" She says in a condescending tone.

"No, I got you bro." I say sighing out. "You have one more day to talk to her or that's it." She says looking at me in the eyes hardly. I look at my feet walking out of the room behind her.

"Was it a good conversation you were having in there? Was it deep? Can you share with the group?" Kavii says in a prying manor. "Oh we were talking about--" "Nothing, we were talking about nothing." I say cutting Chyna off.

Chyna looks at Jai smiling. "Yeah, Nothing." Chyna says looking back at me. They exchange a few awkward glances before Chyna states that she's leaving. "Taylor, it was nice to see you before you were forced into jail." She says chuckling.

"Fuck off." Taylor says flipping her off as she leaves. "Well, meeting over guys." I say pushing everyone out of my house. "Taylor, I would say I'm sorry but I can't have a murderer in my house, this meeting has gone on too long. I hope you don't get raped in jail." I say smiling.


I settle down on my bed turning on my television. I flip through the channels finding MTV as old re-runs of Catfish play. I sit there wrapped up in the drama of the reveal that I barely feel my phone vibrate.

I check my notifications seeing a text from an unsaved number, a video perhaps. I clock on the video watching it through. "What the hell!" I curse. Kavii and Dee have a porno together? Since when?

Kavii is my girlfriend. This had to be before we got together. She couldn't have cheated, no way .

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