24~ hu(r)t who?

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A few weeks had passed since that one weekend with Yoongi. BTS had their comeback in the US which was crazy! I was really proud of them. Everything was going great; Sooyun hadn't tried to reach me for a while.

I was done with my exams, I was really stressed about it but I worked hard enough to get the best grades I could pull out. I started to dance again and it felt so refreshing. I missed it.

Yoongi and I hadn't stopped talking, well maybe a little less of course and I totally understood. His work was still number one, as well as college to me.

I missed him a lot! So much that I even attended one of their performances. The tickets were really hard to get but I somehow got two and saw them performing in real life with an old friend of mine, Lee Hana.

She used to be one of my closest friends but because of Sooyun I lost contact with most of my friends. As I started talking to people again I re contacted her. I missed her so much. I apologized so many times for letting her down and not being there for her for so long. Her kind self simply said that she understood and that I really didn't have to apologize.


Back then I invited her in a coffee shop.

I was savoring my latte when a silhouette stood next to me with a coffee already in her hands, "Is this sit taken?" she asked smiling widely as she slightly bowed down at me.

I, more excited than ever, immediately got up and hugged her.

"Come on, don't be so formal Hana!"

She sat down in front of me still smiling.

"You got so many things to tell me Shim Yoora"

"So do you"

She leaned over the table with a worried look on her face and said "I heard you and Him broke up, how are you doing?"

She got back into her chair and slowly sipped her coffee waiting for me to answer.

"I'm doing great, I moved on a while ago, I'm in a new relationship" I really was doing okay, well, I still thought about it a lot, my mind wouldn't stop and let me relax for a second. But at least I had Yoongi by my side when I started to think too much he was just one call away.

"Wow Yoora! Girl you gotta tell me how the hell are you always in a relationship" she lightly laughed and said "I'm glad you're okay then, who's that other boy!"

"Min Yoongi" I cheekily smiled looking down at my hands around the cup of coffee.

Then she asked for a picture of him, I pulled out my phone and showed her a couple. She realized after a few minutes that he was a member of BTS. She looked so amazed and kept asking how they really were in real life.

Afterwards BTS wasn't the main topic anymore but I noticed that she kept bitting her lower lip and fidgeting with her fingers like if she wanted to tell me something but was hesitating about whether to tell me or not.

"Spill it out" I growled.

She looked up surprised so I said "You want to tell me something, don't you?"

The poor girl being triggered by her hesitation tried to deny it but finally spoke, "Sooyun"

I raised an eyebrow up and waited for her to continue.

"Did you know that most of his family died? His mother, father and grandparents. Apparently they got murdered"

Everything around me faded away. So that was why he was always saying that he had to deal with stuff. I felt guilty for being so selfish and not thinking about what he was going through. But as I was deeply lost in my thoughts she spoke again.

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