9~ hi

26 2 0

A few weeks passed. I didn't get to see any of the boys for a long time. I had been texting Jin a bit. They were in Japan doing a muster? A fan meeting I think.

However I had Sooyun with me. But he wouldn't tell me anything about his problem. It was starting to annoy me a lot. I wanted to help him, be there for him. He wouldn't come home nor let me go to his.

Due to my lack of social life I decided to practice my dancing. I was taking classes 5 times a week.

My schedule was really tiring but I love dancing so much I didn't mind at all.

Finals were coming up, so I felt like it was becoming harder in college. I had to work on my notes after the dance classes which ended at pretty late.

My job was tiring also.

In short I was physically really tired.

It was like 12 in the afternoon on a Saturday, I was done with my notes and I wanted to do something, hang out with someone.

I texted Sooyun.

No response.

Then I texted Jin.

Immediately responded.

He said "Hm meet up right now?"

"Yes right now"

"Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok are home, you could hang out with them while waiting for the rest of us to come back?"

"No it's alright I don't wanna bother, when are you going back home?"

"Around 4pm. Come around 5, we can have dinner altogether. And don't forget to put a mask on or something."

"Okay, I need the address tho"

I noticed that after all this time I didn't change my lock screen still. To be honest I felt like this picture with Yoongi was precious. I didn't want to take it off at all.

Since I had a long time to wait until going there I kept studying harder and practicing a routine.

Then when it was around 3:50 I started getting ready, I decided to wear grey cargo pants with a black bandeau I added oversized hoop earrings, put on my yellow vans old skool and put on my long hair into messy bun. I even did my make up. And for once I did not mess up the eye liner.

I was taking my white mini backpack and putting my black mask on when I received a call from Sooyun.

"Baby? Wassup?" he said.

"Nah nothing, I'm going to a friend's house."

"Oh, what friend? And I'm sorry I didn't answer, but I have work to do"

"Okay it's whatever love, see you"

"Let's hang out tomorrow?"

"Ugh I can't, I have work, sorry but hm come see me this weekend"

"Okay, see youuu"

I hung up. Then I took my car keys and left.

Although I knew they were idols I was impressed when I saw that thay lived in the most expensive place in Seoul.

I parked my car away from their house so it wouldn't be so obvious that I went to see them, because sasaeng fans are everywhere.

I'm not that into k-pop but I definitely heard of them.

When I got in front of the house, the door immediately opened and I got pulled inside by, hm to be honest I really didn't know who it was.

He smiled at me, such a beautiful smile, it was shaped like a rectangle. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the human being in front of me. His features were so unique and beautiful, like the fact that he had one double eyelid and a single one.

"Hi you're Yoora, right?" He said.

He had such a deep voice it almost turned me on. What the fuck am I saying??

"Yes it's me" I smiled at him and got down to take off my shoes, "and what's your name?"

"Kim Taehyung" he chuckled and said "Follow me, I'll show you where the rest of the guys are."

He led me to their living room. It was huge, in black and white tones, really bright, the sun came directly in from the huge windows.

I bowed at them, and murmured a small hello. They were all on the 2 different couches.

They were extremely good looking. Damn, I needed air, I needed to breathe!

"Yoora!" said Jin standing up "Here is all of us."

I smiled at them and slightly bowed at them again. He pointed the guy standing next to me.

"Here is Taehyung, he's a 95 liner"

"Oh" I answered.

"Here's Namjoon, our leader. 1994."

He was looking so good, he had dimples, and his hair— oh my gosh, they were so good looking, my heart couldn't handle it.

"And here's Jimin, 95 also"

Damn, what was I doing over here?? The thoughts I had were sinful. Jesus, aye man, I'm sorry but I'll smash.

"Then you already know Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok"

"Yes I do, hi guys!"

Jungkook told me to sit down next to him, so I did. All I could think about was Yoongi being next to me too. And his smile, I wanted to see it once again.

"I really like your sense of fashion Yoora" Jungkook said.

"Aye thank you!" I looked at Yoongi and said "too bad this time we're not matching."

"Do you still have the pic Jungkook took of you two as your lock screen?" Asked Hoseok.

I hesitated a little on answering but I should be honest, right?

"Yeah, it's still my lock screen, even though my boyfriend was pretty mad when he saw it."

I looked at Yoongi again. He smirked at me. What an idiot, that's exactly what he wanted to hear, isn't it?

"Damn, it's been a long time though" Jungkook said.

After a little conversation with all of the members we ate, Jin cooked and to be honest it was pretty good!

And since we're koreans we HAD to drink obviously. Nah I'm joking we didn't have to, but you know... HEY DON'T JUDGE US OKAY? But well, I got pretty wasted again, DON'T JUDGE I SAID!

Hi! Hope you're okay, eat lots and drink gallons of water ;) be healthy!

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