♡tom cruise♡

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You and your boyfriend tom were sitting on the couch, watching tv while you cuddle you had your head on his chest as he had a arm around you. As you were halfway into the movie you got a sudden craving for chocolate chip cookies. You turned to look up at your handsome boyfriend and poked his face to get his attention. As you poked him he looked down at you with a small smile.

" what? is it beautiful" he asked as you gave him a innocent smile.

" I want chocolate chip cookies! " you said as you stood up and grabbed his hands " and I want you to help me" he rolled his eyes as he stood up and followed you to the kitchen. You walked to the freezer and got out the cookie dough but when Tom saw what you had he made a face of disgust.

" and what do you think your doing with that?" He questions, looking at the cookie dough.

" what do you think I'm doing I'm making cookies. Now get the pan out for me."

" I'm not allowing for that to be made in my house!" He said with a scoff as he crossed his arms over his chest

" why, it's just cookie dough what's wrong with it?." You ask as you copy his pose.

" I don't like cookie dough never have never will it's just...ewe!" When he said that you gasped.

" I love cookie dough what's wrong with you!?" You exclaimed with fake hurt.

" cookie dough is made from a factory, a boring old nasty factory... but home made cookies from scratch are made with love and you have fun while making them. That's why I always make my cookies from scratch!" After he got done with his speech about cookies you just laughed.

" your so ridiculous sometimes you know that?" You said as you walked to him and wrapped your arms around him he smiled down at you and kissed your nose you giggle as he done that

" yeah I am ridiculous sometimes....ridiculously hot" he said as he let go of you to get the ingredients for the cookies. You just started laughing at him

" yeah you wish tommy" you playfully said as you got a bowl from the cabinets. he turned towards you and made a offended and hurt face as he put his hand on his heart.

" you, my loving girlfriend of two wonderful years of my life don't think I'm hot" he said, you smiled and walked over to were he was to give him the mixing bowl.

" no I don't think your hot I know your hot " you told him as you gave him a kiss on the cheek he smiled as you two started making the cookies.

" hey Tommy where's the chocolate chips at?" You asked as he worked up the dough.

" oh I think there either in the pantry or the fridge" he told you. After awhile you found them in the pantry and walked back to him

" you done working the dough there hot-shot" you said smiling at him he chuckled as he nodded.

" yeah I think so " he said. it was then you and him begin making little balls and put them on the cookie pan.

" ok I'll set the timer and then we wait " you said, setting the timer and leaning against the counter beside tom. After a few minutes he groaned as he throw his head back causing you to smile at him.

" this is taking forever! " he groaned out as he looked at you. You laughed at him after awhile you two talked till you heard the timer go off. Tom shot up like a rocket and ran to the oven as you laugh at him once more. he grabbed the oven mit then got the cookies out.

" watch it people there's something hot coming through and it's not me for once! " he said as he carried the pan to the counter and set them down.

" okay cookie monster before you touch them we have to let them cool down okay?" When you said this he looked at you and groaned.

" but why can't we eat them now?" He whined as he tried to get one but you smacked his hand away.

" because if you try to take them out of the pan now they'll fall apart genius" he just looked at you and sighed.

" fine, I won't touch them" you nodded and you both let them cool. when you thought they were cool enough you got them out of the pan as Tom got two glasses and the milk out for you two, he then sat at the table as you sat down together and begin to eat the cookies

" you know tom your right about the whole cookie dough thing " you said as you bit into one of the cookies. Instantly wanting to puke.

" oh God there horrible " he said spitting the cookie out as you agreed and done the same.

" okay, now can I use the cookie dough?" You asked as you looked at him with big puppy dog eyes. He sighed as he nodded his head.

" yeah. As much as I hate it you can"

You smiled as you made the cookies and watched movies all night long.

This imagine is for
My amazing sister littletalks16
I hope you in joy it
Bye my homies

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