♡Michael j. fox♡

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It was supposed to be perfect, the dinner he made for the two of you, the Rose's he bought and had set up in a beautiful vase, the movie he had picked for you both to watch

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It was supposed to be perfect, the dinner he made for the two of you, the Rose's he bought and had set up in a beautiful vase, the movie he had picked for you both to watch. Tonight was going to be absolutely wonderfully perfect.

Until Michael noticed that his beautiful girlfriend was slightly late, never was she one to be late for things, she always made sure she was on time. So of course the man was a little worried about her whereabouts. He sit at his table, watching the clock waiting for his y/n to arrive. But sadly after two hours of waiting he knew she wouldn't show up. He felt slightly disappointed but also worried.


Horrible. You felt absolutely horrible. Two hours ago as you was getting ready for your date night with Michael you felt a horrible cramp in your gut. Out of all the nights this one had to be the night your monthly cramps decided to reek havoc on you.

Usually the cramps wasn't this bad, but tonight they was so painful that you couldn't even stand up to call Michael you couldn't make it. You felt saddened and absolutely horrible that you couldn't let him know you wasn't going to able to vo over to his place, you'd hate for him to think you'd ditch him because you wouldn't ever even think of doing him that way.

You groan in pain as another wave of pure hell washes over you. With a little whimper you roll on your back in bed hugging your pillow, a hand rubbing at your tummy trying to soothe the pain. Oh how you wish Michael was here to cuddle you, perhaps give you one of his famous tummy massages to get rid of this pain.

Just as if he was a mind reader, a few little knocks on your front door was heard, followed by his voice. Exhaling you shout that the door is open, a sigh of relief escapes from you as you close your eyes and try not to let out a cry of pain. It was only just a few minutes later when he opened your bedroom door, you open your eyes to look at him and you felt even more guilty about canceling(not showing up) the date.

He was wearing a dark undershirt with a white snazzy blazer and his hair, oh my his hair. It was so beautifully fixed, he was absolutely flawless, handsome. Now you felt angry at your damn cramps for making you miss out on the date.

Concern was written all over his face as he rushed over toward you on your bed, he sits on the edge, close to you and starts soothing stroking your messy hair. " y/n sweetheart what's wrong? " he asks immediately, his concern making your heart flutter at how adorable he was.

" cramps, really bad cramps. " you quietly respond, he sighs and kicks off his shoes, gently scooting you over and laying down beside you. He then wrapped a arm around you, making you rest your head on his chest as he starts to massage your aching tummy. He then presses a gentle loving kiss to your head causing you to smile a small smile.

" I was wondering why you didn't show up tonight, " he whispers, his voice low and a little smile on his face, " I thought maybe you was late then I could start going on one of those rampages you go on when I'm late for something and be like,' y/n why are you late!, you're never supposed to be late for anything! How dare you sir! " he said mimicking your voice. You giggle at him causing a proud smile tug at his lips.

Even when you was in pain he made you smile, giggle, laugh. It was one of many things you love about him.

" okay, for one thing I've never said that to you before! " you retaliate with a giggle. He shakes his head with a laugh.

" you have! And I have proof. " he says, you look up at him with a lifted brow.

" oh really? And where is this proof mr. Fox? " you say, he chuckles and looks down at you. His hands still soothingly rubbing your tummy.

" remember that time when we both planned on having a lovely picnic in the park? " he asks, you nod with a small smile.

" remember how I was a little late because I forgot my house keys and accidentally locked them inside?. " he questions, you giggle and smack his chest playfully.

" That's the only time I've ever done that! " you laugh. But of course that laughter turns into yet another little groan of pain as Michael's smile filters a bit as he starts pressing kisses to your head, he hates seeing you in such pain, it breaks his heart.

" do you need anything babe?." He asks as you snuggle closer to his side, head resting on his chest as he still has one arm around you while his other hand massages your tummy.

" no, just need cuddles, and I'll murder you if you leave me." He chuckles at you making a small pained smile spread across your face.

" okay,  I'll stay right here, because I don't really wanna get murdered." He whispers, expecting a small little laugh from you, but instead was met with silence, " y/n?...." He looks down and smile softly. He kisses the top of your head and closes his eyes.

" i love you y/n." He mutters, soon falling asleep.

Ayeeeeee my dudes. Another Michael imagine for you fellows.
Also sorry CaptainSwanEriel
For taking so long, I've been struggling(like every second of my life). But I finally finished it, sorry if it sucks.

Love ya dude Emily( the worlds slowest writer).

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