♡Ted Theodore logan♡

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When Ted first saw you it was like time had stopped, he had never seen someone as beautiful as you

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When Ted first saw you it was like time had stopped, he had never seen someone as beautiful as you. It was like love at first sight for him, he loved everything about you, Your y/h/c hair. Your y/e/c eyes, he could just stare at them for hours And he also loved your smile and your laugh.

But he never had the courage to ask you on a date, Sure you two have talked before, You had helped him with his homework sometimes and would occasionally run into eachother outside of school. But that was it.

Now him and bill sit in the cafeteria, Ted of course ranting to bill about how pretty he thought you looked today. Before Ted could get another word out bill had cut him off.

" Ted dude just go talk to her how hard could it be?" Bill said as he took a bit from his sandwich.

" very, It's just....I get like really nervous and then I forget what I want to even say...." He explained with a sigh while still looking at you.

" Ted listen dude, you got to get poetic. chicks dig that kind of stuff " bill tells him while playing with a green bean.

" bill! Your a genius dude. I'll write a poem for her she'll love it! " Ted exclaimed reaching over to his backpack beside him to get his notebook and pin.

So it was then him and bill sit there making a poem for you. after awhile the bell had rang alerting students of their class.

¤well if it isn't a time skip¤

Once school was over with Ted spotted you leaned against your favorite tree. He begins walking your way but stops to look over his shoulder at Bill who smiles and gives Ted a thumbs up.
Ted smiles and does the Same then made his way towards you. Once he made it he stops in front of you clearing his throat.

" hey Ted how's it going? " You ask with a smile, he gives you a nervous smile back.

" good...." He said then cleared his throat once more. " y/n I bring to you a message of my love " He spoke holding a piece of paper.

You smiled with a small blush as you started playing with the bottom of your shirt something you do when your nervous.

" roses are red, violates are blue, I would really like to go out with you. You don't have to yes, But I'm hoping you do, Because no one could make me happier than you " You had the biggest smile on your face as he got done reading his poem to you.

" oh Ted of course I'll go out with you! " You say with joy, still smiling. He sighed with relief when you said that.

" excellent! " He cheers while doing a air guitar thing. " I thought you'd say no! " He said grinning.

" anybody who would say no to you would have to be crazy Ted Theodore logan " You tell him with a blush as you looked at the ground smiling. " say when's this date anyway? " You question.

" how's this Saturday at 8 o'clock sound? " He asks. You nodded

" sounds perfect " You said. You heard a horn honk and turned around to see it was your father who was picking you up. " well...that's my ride I guess I'll see you Saturday by ted! " You say walking toward your dad.

" by y/n babe! " Ted says with a grin. Bill walked up to him smiling.

" so I'm taking it that she said yes " Bill said patting him on the shoulder.

" yeah! She said yes dude, thanks for helping me " Ted thanks his friend As him and bill were waiting for missy to pick them up.

" No problem Ted, its what friends are for " He said as missy pulled up. Once she parked they got in the back seats.

"Thanks missy " Ted said as he buckled up.

" yeah thanks missy....I mean mom " Bill said doing the same.

Once she started driving all Ted could think about was his upcoming date with a most excellent babe.

How's my amigo's
Doing  this fine day
Here is a Ted imagine
This imagine was more Like in Ted's pov...but anywho
I hope you amigo's enjoy
It. Like always
Requests are opened
But that's it for now
Adiós my amigo's

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