♡Christian slater♡

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You stood in your kitchen as you were doing the dishes, Which seemed to be quit difficult because your very round belly

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You stood in your kitchen as you were doing the dishes, Which seemed to be quit difficult because your very round belly. You were 8 months pregnant.

You were supposed to be sitting down and relaxing. But you didn't want to sit around and let your husband Christian do everything.

As you begin to dry what dishes were washed you heard a irritated sigh behind you.

" y/n, how many times do I have to tell you I was going to do them for you " Christian sighs as he walked over to the sink and started helping you.

You smirked at him. " at least one more " you say kissing his cheek.

" well why don't you go sit down while i finish this " He tells you as he pushed some of your hair out of your face.

" okay fine, I'll sit down " You said making your way to the living room, But before you got there you turn to look at him. " but im doing the laundry tomorrow and no one can stop me!" You cheered playfully.

He just shook his head and laughs at you as you continue your waddle to the living room.

Once you finally waddled In the living room you sit on the couch and started watching some tv, But then got hungry.

" hey Christian sweetheart?! " You slightly yell as you rub your large belly.

" yes gorgeous! " He replied with the same valium.

" do you think that you could maybe bring me something to eat!?" You could hear him chuckle while you heard footsteps comeing your way.

" what do you want?" He questions with his adorable smile as he stood in front of the couch.

" well...I think I want doughnuts...but then again I want pizza...." You said thoughtfully, He just laughed.

" okay I'll just get you both " He tells you as he went to the kitchen to get you some doughnuts to eat while he ordered pizza.

Once he ordered pizza he brought you the doughnuts and set them on the couch with you. " thank you Christian " You say taking a bite of one

" no problem sweetheart " He replied setting a hand on your belly.

After awhile you felt the baby kick, You looked over at Christian as he just looked at your belly. You both had a joyful expression on your faces.

" did you feel the baby kick!" You ask excitedly

" yeah...I did" He exclaims cheerfully with the biggest smile on his face.

" here put your hand right here" You say smiling as you take his hand and put it were you felt the baby kicking the most.

As soon as his hand layed there It kicked, He smiled at you as he begin to laugh.

" that's so weird but wonderful at the same time " He said happily as you just laughed.

" God I love you y/n" he said placing a kiss on your temple.

" I love you to Christian " You reply back smiling as you to sit feeling your unborn child kicking the heck out of you.

Your little moment came to an end as you heard someone knocking on the door.

" I do believe that's the pizza " He said getting up to get the door. Once he paid for the pizza he walked back over to you and set it on the coffee table as you two ate.

" I really do love you y/n, so much " He said looking at you smiling.

" I love you too very, very much " You said pecking him on the lips.

You to watched movies while eating pizza. and every once in awhile. Feeling the baby kick. That's the moments you enjoy with Christian.

Well amigo's
There's a Christian slater
I hope you fellas enjoy it
Because it took me
Along time to make
It do to me being busy
Cleaning and sh*t so
Bye for now
Adiós amigo's

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