♡c.thomas howell♡

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Here's your imagine hope you like it.  myPonyboy   👍

Today was one of the prettiest days there was

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Today was one of the prettiest days there was. The sun was finally out and the sky had not a single cloud in it. For a week now it had done nothing but rain witch means you've been stuck inside of your house.

So today you could finally go outside and set at your most favorite place to read at. The nearby lake. You always go there to read and sometimes draw.

Since it was pretty outside you'd decided on walking, since it wasn't that far from your house. You were wearing a plain grey t-shirt and some skinny jeans and before you walked out the door, you grabbed your book bag and begin your little journey.  After awhile you'd arrive at your destination, and spot the big maple tree you always set under.

You smiled and walked to it and set down. You got out
y/f/b, (*your favorite book*) and begin reading it. You would occasionally look up from your book at the little birds that would fly by and at the fish who would grab some bugs from on top of the water
While reading you noticed someone walking around near you but didn't pay close enough attention. because your book started getting really interesting.

All the sodden you felt water splash everywhere. You gasp and looked up and was met with a boy around your age.

" oh my god. I'm so so sorry." He said running up to you.
" I didn't mean to I swear. I-" he stopped talking as he looked at you. He had not seen someone  quiet as beautiful as you. he seemed entranced by you especially when he looked in your  e/c, eyes. Once he realized he'd been starring he clears his throat. And looked down with the smallest smile and a light blush.

" its...it's fine really." You said looking at your book that was now ruined but you'd done read it over a thousand times before.

" oh man. I'm sorry." He said looking at your book to. " I can be clumsy sometimes...a lot." He nervously scratched the back of his neck with a small awkward smile.

" I've done finished the book. And don't worry it's fine really." You smiled at him as you stood up. " I'm y/n, by the way." You offered him a handshake.

" I'm Thomas." He said shaking your hand.

" so how'd this happen exactly?." You question gesturing to your wet clothes.

" oh. I was playing golf and when I want to swing the club it kinda...slipped out of my hands." He said as a little blush made its way on his cheeks again.

" well did you get your club back?." You ask smiling.

"...no i didn't." He said as he realized he'd forgot about it.

" well since I'm already wet I'd be happy to get it for you. Because I think I already see it right there." You said looking down at the lake where you see something shiny in the water.

" oh, no I'll get you don't have to." He said but you already begin to get it for him. Once you got it you reach it to him.

" here you go." You say with a smile.

" thanks. Y/n, " he said giving you a smile back.

" no problem." You said picking up your book and putting it in your book bag and slinging it over your shoulder. " well I should probably head home. It was nice meeting you thomas." You say to him with a small wave.

" do you mind if I walk you home?." He said nervously.

" not at all." You smiled at him " so you like to golf." You ask. Starting up a conversation.

" yeah my grandmother is teaching me." He said. As he started using the club as a Kane. " you ever played before?." He questions.

" mini golf. But I wasn't to good at it." You said chuckling a bit. " I never thrown my club at anyone though." You laughed looking over at him.

" I said I was sorry." He said smiling

" I think you still have a lot to learn." You grinned at him.

" yeah obviously." He said smiling as he looked over at you. " I'll buy you a new book." He said

" you don't have to." You said taking notice that you were nearly home.

" but I want to. " he said

You just smiled and continue walking until you made it to your house.

" well this is my home." You say as you stopped walking.

" once again I'm sorry. And it was nice meeting you." He said giving you his hand to shake.

" please stop apologizing. And it was nice meeting you to." You reply shaking his hand.

" if your not busy Saturday. I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the movies." He said with a hopeful look in his eyes.

" I'd love to." You said smiling with a small blush.

" ok then I'll see you Saturday at five." He said as he waved good bye and walked off.

You couldn't wait till Saturday


I hope you like it I'm sorry if it's trash...
If it is here's some
Complimentary pics of lil,  Tommy Howell

If it is here's some Complimentary pics of lil,  Tommy Howell

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