♡Corey Feldman♡

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It was nearing Halloween

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It was nearing Halloween. And you and your boyfriend corey were having one of your movie dates. You set on your couch as Corey was in the kitchen making popcorn while the movie was paused.

" Corey hurry up I wanna watch the movie!." You whined. You were going to watch a scarey movie about a    elusive squids. And It was taking him forever. And usually you don't like watching scary movies but Corey had talked you into it.

" ok geez. Y/n, I'm coming." He said making his way to the living room. Holding a big bowl of popcorn.

He set down beside you and you grabbed the blanket on the back of the couch and covered you two up with it. And cuddled up to his side.
He smirked as he put his arm around you. And started the movie.

About 20 minutes into the movie and you were absolutely terrified. You kept hiding your face in the crock of Corey's neck. And holding him. He of course holding you telling you it was fine that it's all just made up.

After the movie ended he got up and was taking the now empty bowel to the kitchen. You followed close behind. When he put the bowel in the sink he turned to you smirking once again as he leaned on the counter crossing his arms across his chest.

" it scared you that bad?." He said almost laughing

" no why would you think that?." You replied that was obviously a  lie and he could tell.

" c'mon y/n, it's just a movie." He said walking towards you. Holding your shoulders and looking deep into your eyes.

" look you'll be fine. Nothing in that movie was real." He said softly. Putting a hand on your cheek. You smiled as you looked up at him. Putting your arms around his neck.

" I know. I'm just being a wuss about it." You said smiling at him.

He laughed as he rapped his arms around you giving you a tight hug. He pulled back slightly to look at you.

" you know. Your kinda, cute when your scared. " he said giving you a mischievous grin. And before you knew he smacked your bottom.

" corey scott feldman!. " You gasped and smacked his arm as you blushed. He just laughed. You playfully glared at him.

" that's it your in for it now feldman." You said. He looked at you and stopped laughing.

" y/n, you wouldn't even dare tickle me." He said slowly backing away from you.
Long story short you figured out that Corey was ticklish. Like very ticklish.

" you'll regret making me watch that scary movie. And smacking my bum. " you said as you ran to Corey and cornered him against the counters. He laughed historically as you tickled him

" o-ok y-y/n, I'm sorry I'm sorry!." He stutters out as he laughed.

" ok I'll stop." You said as you stopped tickling him he smiled as he hugged you once again.

" I'm sorry that was terribly rude of me to have done that." He said as he kissed your head.

" I forgive you. " you said as you smiled at him.

He looked down at you and kissed you gently on the lips. Then he smacked your bum again. And pulled away and backed up a fare distance from you.

" Corey Feldman!. Stop smacking my ass!." You yelled as you chased him through your house.

" never! In a million years. Sweetheart. It's to perfect to not smack!." He yelled back smiling as he ran from you.

You kept running after him but stopped in your tracks when there was a knock at the door. Corey quickly ran to it and opened the door to see corey Haim standing there.

" umm, what's going on." He said as Corey Feldman. Used him as he shield.

" help! Me man she's gone crazy." He said as he was hiding behind corey haim. Corey haim. Looked beyond confused as he looked at you.

" what the hell did I just walk in on." He asks looking at you then his best friend behind him. For answers.

" Corey smacked my ass. Not once but twice. " you said folding your arms and starring at him.

" oh c'mon y/n, I couldn't resist. " he said. you tried to get to him. But couldn't do to his new bodyguard.

" hiam I'll tickle you to if you don't let me have him." You said.

" no! Man don't trust her she's crazy." Your boyfriend said as he was still hiding behind mr, hiam.

" y/n, he's my best friend I have to take his side." Corey haim said looking at you.

" alright then I'll just have to murder both of you." You said there eyes widened as they took of running. As you ran off after them.

Well my amigos I made something.
Here's a imagine for you Feldman lovers out there
Probably won't make any for Lord only knows how long but.....
That's all for now

Adios ma amigos

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