♡Michael j. fox♡

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The sun had started to come up, the sky dark but had this light glow to it

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The sun had started to come up, the sky dark but had this light glow to it. The birds hadn't yet made a sound, still asleep just like the man lying beside you. his face peaceful and calm, lips just barely parted as his gentle little snores escape filling the silence of the room you both shared, you hated to untangle yourself from the literal angel beside you. His warmth nearly lolling you back to sleep, but unfortunately duty called for you and the blaring of your alarm (that surprisingly didn't wake Michael up) was the sad proof of that.

So with a feather light caress to Michael's handsome face and a soft kiss to his forehead and you quietly get out of bed, chills instantly forming all over your body at the winter chill filling your home. You sigh and stand up getting ready for the most likely boring day at work. You didn't work anywhere snazzy, just a boring plain office job, signing papers or typing away at a computer in a uncomfortable chair all day. The constant complaints from clients or your rather mean boss.

You quickly put on your work clothes, which is just a gray pencil skirt and a white blouse, you usually wear hills but instead you opted to wear flats. As you fix your rats nest on your head you in front of the vanity, hear the groggy voice of a still half asleep Michael.

" ughh, I thought you had a day off today? " he whines, looking at you with a pout. You sigh with a small smile. Turning around to look at him, his hair a beautiful mess as he squinted his eyes at you.

" I was supposed to but Harris got the flu and now I'm filling in for him." You tell you boyfriend who sighs.

" damned flu..." he muttered, you giggle and start fixing your hair into a bun.

" don't worry mikey, I'll get a day off tomorrow and we'll spend the whole day together doing absolutely nothing! " you exclaimed with a cheerful voice. He closes his eyes and smiles, head falling deeper into the pillows.

" that sounds perfect. I just wish you didn't have to work today as well..." he sighs. You stand up from the vanity and walk over to sit on the edge of the bed, leaning closer to Michael's hand instantly lands on your own giving it a gentle squeeze. " please stay..." he says almost in a whisper as he gives you his adorable little smile.

You sigh and lean down to kiss his nose, which he then presses his lips against your own gently, in a short loving kiss.

" I'm sorry, but if don't work then I'll most likely get fired, and then we will be living on the streets eating garbage " you joke, he laughs and sits up looking at you with the most loving gaze. Your heart flutters at the gaze as you softly smile.

" hey! I make money too you y'know. " you giggle at him and stand up, once more making him pout. " y/n! Don't leave me! " he fake cries as you start walking towards the door. You laugh and blow him a kiss.

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