Michael J. Fox

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The evening sun casts a orange hue through the white curtains, the living room that was nearly empty was orange because the color as you sat on the sofa looking at the room as if it was a dream

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The evening sun casts a orange hue through the white curtains, the living room that was nearly empty was orange because the color as you sat on the sofa looking at the room as if it was a dream. And to you it felt like it.

A few weeks ago you and your husband of a month had bought a house, it was in a friendly neighborhood, a nice two story house. You loved it, it was perfect and you knew Michael loved it too.

The living room was empty, only a sofa and a TV was in it. You both was still in need of a few recliners and coffee table, but for now you could do without. You sigh, looking at the white walls, you had wanted to paint them yellow. But Michael was determined to paint them a deep blue. You and him of course argued about this for countless nights and as you sat here staring at the plain walls the more you wished they was yellow.

"honey! I'm home!" Michael announced with a teasing tone, a wide smile on his face as he jumps over the back of the sofa and lands beside you. You giggle and lean over to kiss his cheek.

"it's about time, I thought you was never coming home" you tell him, a grin on your face as he rolls his eyes.

"I kept getting stopped by my fans" he says with squinted eyes. You giggle once more and look at the walls, deep in thought about them. Michael follows your actions and let's out a sigh.

"I still think blue would be more of a homey color" he muttered, his arm wrapping around your shoulders and pulling you into his side. "even though you don't think so..." he grumbled. You look back at him with a sigh.

"I just think that yellow would be a more relaxing color y'know?" you tell him, causing a chuckle to escape his lips as he shakes his head.

"what are talking about? Blue is the most relaxing color ever, if these walls was yellow it would be less relaxing" he says matter of factly, his blue eye's looking into your own y/e/c ones.

"how would it be less relaxing?" you questioned as you cross your arms and give him a little harmless glare.

"well my dear wife, let's say we invite friends over, they all walk through the front door and go 'oh my God! We've walked inside of a pineapple!" he explained. You can't help the laugh that you let out, trying hard to act offended by his jokes against your choice of color. He grins while you stifle your laugh behind your hand.

"you're the only dork who would think that Michael" you tell him with a giggle. He pouts and looks back at the walls.

"how about this" he starts, eyes back on you as he gets all serious, "how about we paint them blue, and if you don't like it-which you will, we can paint them yellow" he suggested, you think for a moment and ponder his idea. It was actually a good idea....

"permanently?" you ask, not fully trusting that he would actually paint over his color of choice.

"permanently" he promised with a grin as he already knows you agreed to the plan.

"alright go get the paint" you sigh dramatically as you stood up from the sofa, almost cackling at how fast and excitedly your husband ran for the paint.

After a moment he returned, two cans of pain in his hands as he held a plastic bag full of brushes in his mouth.

"some help would be nice!" he says, muffled from the bag in his mouth. You giggle and take the back as he sets the paint down. "okay, hand me that screw driver so I can pop this sucker off!" he excitedly spoke as he looks over the paints lid. You walk over to the sofa, seeing the screw driver and grabbing it.

Once you hand it to him he starts prying the lid off. Once it comes off blue paint flies up and splashes on his face, a streak of blue starting from his cheek to his chin was now on him. You giggle at him as he shoots a glare your way.

"well y/n, does it look as good on me as it will our walls?" he asks, a playful smile on his face.

"I don't know about the walls but it does look rather devine on you" you said, a laugh bubbling up and out your mouth.

"oh it will look good on the walls, just you wait" he muttered as he gets out the paint brushes. "now start painting" he cheers, dipping his brush in the can, splashing some on the wall sloppily.

"what the hell are you doing?" you ask with a amused smile, "you're supposed to do nice, even strokes" you instructed as you dip your own brush, a deep blue streak on the white wall as you do so.

"oh I didn't know you was a painting master" he muttered while doing as you said, "this way is boring" he adds. But you only snort and shake your head at him.

Time skip brought to you by Tom hanks slapping a tomato sandwich with anger

After what felt like hours(and was hours) you finally finished painting the whole living room. You flop down on the sofa, blue stains on your shirt as Michael does the same.

"I absolutely love it" he speaks with a tired smile, looking over at you. You look at the walls with a expressionless face. The deep blue wasn't a bad color, it suited the house..."what do you think?" he asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"I think it's... Actually beautiful" you muttered the last part as he smiles so wide. The color was also very relaxing, damn Michael and his good choices.

"I knew you'd like it, but If you want-which you probably won't, we can paint it yellow to see if you like yellow better" he offered, a look of pure love in his eyes making your heart swell with absolute adoration and love for the man.

"no, I like this color, it looks really nice" you say, looking up at him, scooting closer so you can press a kiss to his cheek. He smiles at you and sighs contently.

"I knew you would" he whispers. You smile at place another kiss on his jaw.

"but believe it or not, the blue looks better on you" you spoke referring to the blue strike on his face. He laughs and shakes his head.

"I love you y/n" he said with a grin. Wrapping you up in his arms and admiring the freshly painted walls

"I love you too Michael" you whisper as you feel the exhaustion of the day clawing at you. And after minutes, you fall asleep on your husband, who was now admiring you....

Here's the Michael j. Fox imagine dude, I hope you like it even though it's short and most likely trash!

lso I can't find your username or I'd tag u dude😔
But here u go💕

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