♡tom cruise♡

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You layout on your rather comfy bed as you slept

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You layout on your rather comfy bed as you slept. but was awoken by what you assumed was your boyfriend tom leaving kisses along your neck, you sleepily giggle as you bring a hand up to run through his longish hair.

" good morning to you too " You say smiling as he breaks apart from your neck to look at you.

" good morning gorgeous" He mumbles hovering above you with a big grin on his handsome face. " I made coffee and pancakes for you, there on the table " He said as he kissed your nose. you smiled and motioned him to get up.

"The pancakes aren't burned are they? " You jokingly say. He chuckled and gave you one of his shirts to put on considering you wasn't wearing one.

" why would you assume something like that? " He asks while watching you put the shirt on.

" because last Time you woke me up and said you made breakfast We ended up with burned bacon and eggs " You remind him as you got up from the bed.

" oh c'mon they weren't even that burned. You just over exaggerated! " he exclaimed while getting up from the bed walking toward you.

" believe what you want, I'll always know that they were indeed burned " You said putting your arms around his neck. He just scoffed with a little " What ever " As you to went to the kitchen to eat.

Once you sit and begin eating he just starred at you. " why are you looking at me? " He just smiled and started poking his pancake.

" is it against the law to stare at my girlfriend? " He asked still starring.

" No, but you know I don't like when people watch me eat " reply back as you took a bite of the pancake. he chuckled and looked down at his food.

" when we get done go put some nice clothes on I wanna take you somewhere " He tells You, you looked at him with curious eyes.

" like where? " You ask with a smile as you sip some of your coffee.

" i cant tell you, it's a surprise " He replied back as he took your dishes and put them in the sink.

You stood up from the table and made your way upstairs to get ready.

¤magical time skip boi's¤

Now you sit in Tom's car as he was driving you to this surprise. You were wearing a light blue sun dress with sandals, That's what tom suggested you wear.

" tommy where are we going? " You whined as you looked over at him.

" it's still a surprise babe " He said while pushing his sunglasses more up on his nose.

You groaned as you looked out the window at all the different things going by. Tom reached his right hand over to hold yours.

After a few seconds you noticed you were getting closer to the beach. You looked over at Tom with a big grin.

" Tommy are we going to the beach? " You question as you poked his side. He laughed when you done that.

" don't do that while I'm driving are we'll wreck!" He warned smiling. " and yes were going to the beach " He said still laughing a bit.

Once you got there you ran out of the car and went straight to the beach.

" sure go on ahead don't help me with this stuff! " Tom yelled jokingly as he got a bag and a few towels.

" oh come on you can carry that, look at those guns! " You yelled back as you let the waves of the ocean hit your feet.

He smiled as he walked over and set the stuff down. Then he flexes, causing You to laugh and sit on the towel he had put down " they are pretty big aren't they? " He asks referring to his biceps while he was sitting beside you

" did you get sunscreen?" You ask looking at him he nodded and gave it to you. You put some on then looked at him again. " what about my swimsuit? " You question him he chuckled and got it out of the beach bag.

" here you go sweetie " He kissed your nose, giving you the swimsuit.

" thanks babe, I'm going to go put it on "  You got up and made your way to the changing booths. once you had your one piece swimsuit on you went over to Tom who had also had his on.

" looking good Tommy. Wanna go swimming? " You spoke as he smiled at you and stood up.

" you look good two. Now let us swim! " He exclaims as he throwed you over his shoulder and ran to the ocean. when he made it, he threw you in the water causing you to glare at him.

" oh you asked for it now Tommy! " You yelled as you started splashing him violently.

He started laughing and you soon joined in. After a few more hours of playing in the water you two had decided on sitting on the beach and relaxing for a bit.

Soon the sun was setting. you had put your sun dress back on and now had your head on Tom's chest as he held you in his arms.

" I love you y/n " He mumbles as he kissed the top of your head.

" I love you to tom " You mumbled back enjoying this beautiful moment that you wished and hoped could last forever.

Howdy my amigo's
Here's ya a tom cruise
I watched the rain man
Last night and
Got in my tom cruise mood
So hope you fellas
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Adiós my amigo's

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