Chapter 11: Sick????

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    You wake up the next morning, to you running to the bathroom, throwing up. Alex walks in the bathroom to see what's wrong.

J/ *Throws up*

A/ *Walks in* "Baby, are you okay??!?!!!"

J/ "Idk..."

A/ "Do you need something?!"

J/ "Khalijah.."

A/ *Goes and gets clothes on* "Okay baby, I'll call Carlos and see what room they're in, and get Khalijah."

J/ "Thanks."

   Alex called Carlos and asked what room they were in, and told him what happened.

A/ "Bro! What room number are you in??!"

C/ "2248. Why, what's wrong?!!"

A/ "It's Jaycee. She woke up throwing up."

C/ "Oh hell no!! Did you-"

A/ *Cuts him off, knowing what he's gonna ask* "Yes, bro!! I did!"

C/ "Then idk!!!"

A/ "She said she wants Khalijah. She with you?"

C/ "Yeah. Hang on, lemme wake her up."

*Carlos wakes her up, and Alex can hear Khalijah start freaking out when she heard about Jaycee."

C/ "She coming.."

A/ "Okay. Thanks."

    You finish trowing up, and hurry up and put some clothes on. You just threw on some sweats, and a t-shirt, which was Alex's merch. As soon as you get done changing, you pull your hair up into a messy bun. You then run to the toilet, throwing up again.

*Khalijah runs into the room, going to the bathroom when she heard you throwing up.*

K/ "Oh fuck!! What happened??!"

J/ *Wipes mouth* "Idk!!"

K/ "Jaycee.. Did you guys..."

J/ "Maybe.. and yes, we used one!!"

K/ "Well.. it could've broke..."

J/ "Oh shit!!!" *Throws up again*

K/ "Okay! Alex, stay with her, and me and Carlos are gonna run to the store and get a test and some medicine."

A/ "Okay."

   Khalijah and Carlos leave, and Alex rubs your back, as you throw up. You sit there and start crying.

A/ "Shhh... It'll be okay."

    Khalijah and Carlos got back from the store about 25 minutes later. Alex sat on the bed with Carlos, waiting for you and Khalijah.

C/ "What are you gonna do if she is?"

A/ "If your asking if I'm gonna be mad or leave her, no. I'll just be scared, ya know?"

C/ "Yeah."

   Khalijah gave you the tests, and you took them. You sat there waiting, nervously. You threw up once, then the results showed. And you are... NOT!!! You felt... Really, you didn't know how to feel. If you were pregnant, you weren't gonna be mad, but hell yeah, you'd be scared.

Khalijah give you a big hug, and then goes out to tell the boys. When she opened the door, they practically ran to her to see her and pushed khalijah out the way!

K/ *falls in floor* thx for checking in oh btw the ground feels amazing no extravagant!

A/ "Oh..." *He felt relieved, because your only 16.*

C/ "Ight." *He was scared for you and Alex.*

   You then brush your teeth and take the medicine, and Alex comes in the bathroom, and grabs you by your waist. You hug him tightly.

A/ "You must be sick then."

J/ "Yeah. I'm gonna go lay down and try to take a nap to sleep through it."

A/ "Okay."

J/ "Can you lay with me?"

A/ "Sure, baby. Anything for you!"

  You and Alex go to the bed and lay down. Khalijah and Carlos went to go get lunch.

   When you woke up, two hours later, you felt way better. You looked up at Alex, who was on his phone, scrolling through Instagram.

A/ *Sees that your awake* "Hey! How you feel?"

J/ "So much better! Thanks baby!"

A/ "You feel like doing something?"

J/ "Yeah, what."

A/ "What ever you want."

J/ "Ice cream??!"

A/ "Sure, baby!!"

    You and Alex go to the iceream shop a couple blocks from your hotel. When you guys finish your ice cream, you head back to the hotel to eat some lunch.

You and Alex we're walking in at the same time as Khalijah and Carlos were.

K/ "Hey! You feel better?"

J/ "Way better!!"

A/ "It's been two hours since you guys left, what happened?"

C/ "Oh, we went and walked around the park and talked, then we got the food. Sorry."

A/ "It's ight."

   You guys go into the room and eat. You then changed and got ready, because you felt better. You put on some ripped blue jeans, a bomb ass looking shirt, and your Gucci shoes. Then, you curled your hair, and pulled it up into a high ponytail. Then you did you makeup.

    After you and the squad took pictures, you guys left. You went to the peir, and rode some rides. Alex and Carlos bought you and Khalijah cotton candy, and got you guys some Coke. Alex surprised you with a giant teddy bear that he won for you.

    You guys started getting hungry and tired, so you guys got an Uber and left. You went to eat Mexican food for dinner, and then headed back to the hotel.

    You all took showers and got ready for bed. You were all so tired that you and ex cuddeled up together and fell asleep, and Khalijah and Carlos cuddled up together and fell asleep.

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