Is It Over? P1

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Shaw got to the hospital and carried you in as Samuel followed.

Shaw-''Somebody help!''

Doctors and nurses rushed over with a hospital bed and Shaw laid you down.

Doctor-''What happened?''

Shaw-''She's been shot once in the stomach.''

Doctors and nurses rushed you into the emergency surgery room as Shaw watched them.

Shaw-''Y/N please be alright.''

Samuel nudged his nose against Shaw's leg making Shaw kneel down next to him.

Shaw-''Hey, buddy. Don't worry, Y/N is going be just fine.''

Then Shaw and Samuel walked into the waiting area. After about half an hour, Samuel was laying down as Shaw was sitting. But Shaw got up and started pacing up and down making Samuel sit up.

Shaw-''Sorry, Sam. I'm telling you not to worry but here I am pacing up and down and losing my mind because I have no idea what's going on with Y/N.''

Then Shaw saw the doctor walk out of your room. Shaw stepped a little forward so he could overhear what the doctor was telling the nurse.

Nurse-''How much blood has she lost?''

Doctor-''Too much. If we don't do a blood transfusion soon....I'm afraid we might lose her.''

Shaw was in shock and looked at Samuel.

Shaw-''No. This can't be happening.''

Shaw said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

To Be Continued....


You and Jay got to the hospital and rushed Nick inside where your fellow nurses and doctors helped.

Doctor-''What happened, Y/N?''

You-''He's been shot twice. We have to do surgery immediately!''

They rushed Nick into the surgery room as Jay turned you to face him.

Jay-''Y/N, I am in no way questioning your ability....but are you sure you can do this? It is Nick.''

You-''I understand where you're coming from, Jay. But I was in that room when my sister had surgery. If I can do that then I can do this.''

Jay smiled.

Jay-''Well, then go do your thing girl.''

You smiled.

You-''You'll be the first to hear any news, alright?''

Jay nodded. Then you ran off into Nick's room. Jay went into the waiting room and after about an hour, you walked in.

Jay-''How did it go?''

You-''The first surgery went well.''

Jay-''Wait. Did you say first surgery?''

You-''The one bullet has been taken out but the second one is....let's just say it will be dangerous to remove it because it's extremely close to an artery.''

Jay-''Oh, man.''

You started crying.

You-''I don't know if I can do this anymore, Jay.''

Jay put his hands on your shoulders making you look up at him.

Jay-''Hey, you are more than capable of doing this, Y/N. I know you can but more importantly Nick knows you can.''

You-''He does?''

Jay-''He does. Nick couldn't be in more capable hands.''

You smiled.

You-''Thank you, Jay.''

You and Jay hugged. Then you left to get ready for Nick's second surgery.

To Be Continued....


Jake got to the hospital and carried you inside.

Jake-''Somebody help! My girlfriend has been shot!''

Jake laid you down on a hospital bed and the doctors and nurses rushed you into emergency surgery.


The doctor looked at Jake.

Jake-''Please save her.''

Doctor-''We'll do the best we can.''

Jake nodded and the doctor ran off into your room. Jake went into the waiting room and called his sisters. They got to the hospital after about 20 minutes. They went to Jake and hugged him.

Amanda-''Any news?''

Jake-''Not yet. I'm still waiting.''

Lily-''Who did this?''

Jake-''That's not important right now. All that matters is Y/N.''


Amanda-''But she'll pull through, Jake.''

Lily-''Yeah. She's a fighter and tough as nails....just like you.''


They smiled. After about an hour the doctor walked in.

Jake-''Doc, how is she?''

Doctor-''I'm afraid I've got some bad news.''

To Be Continued....

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