Chapter 1

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"Oh my, that was a long day of work", you said to yourself quietly after glancing at the clock.

It reads: 7:39pm.

As I walked out of the flower shop I opened the doors when I was suddenly hit by the chilly breeze of the Winter season.

It was cold and dark. Just like any other night I walked home after work. Alone.

I then started walking checking my phone every once in a while to see what time it is.

I had this feeling I was being followed, but it could just be my imagination. I started to speed my pace up. I could now hear the footsteps behind me. I turned around but there was no one.

I then brushed my hair out of my face.  I still had that creepy feeling someone was stalking me. I turned around the second time and stopped in my tracks. There was a person behind me that was about 30 yards. I panicked but took a closer look. It was Jimin, my bestest friend. Actually the only friend I had.

I walked closer to him and said, "Jimin, you scared the shit out of me!" All he did was smirk. I thought, what the hell was he doing walking behind me, was he surprising me or scaring me? "Jimin?" He looked at me. He then said, "What, I was just trying to scare you". "Well you sure did scare me, but why are you out here at night?" I asked walking closer to him. "Like I said, i wanted to scare you."

Ugh, sometimes he's just annoying, so I just shrugged it off and wouldn't  question him further.

"Well would you like to walk me to my house at least, it's cold and dark. Who knows what could happen out here." He said, "Sure, we better get going". And with that we started walking under the street lights to my house.


"We're here. Come in." I unlocked the door and set my bag and keys on the table by the door. "Take your shoes off please" I said to Jimin. He replied an 'okay' to me. As we took off our shoes I said, "since it's late, I'm not letting you go home. You'll sleep here tonight". "I'm an adult I can do what I want." "Well your in my house so I said you stay" I said playfully. "Fine" he huffed out. "Only because your my bestest friend Lisa."

"Good, I'm making dinner, it's ramen. (I can't cook lmao😂)" Jimin mouthed an 'alright' to me.

I turned on the stove and poured my noodles in. Jimin came in behind me and grabbed two bowls, one for me and one for him.

I poured the noodles in both bowls and gave him his. We walked to the table and ate. It was silent, but a comfortable silence. After that we set our bowls in the sink and Jimin offered to do the dishes, I said "okay" and walked the the closet to grab myself a blanket to sleep on the couch.

It now was 9:57 pm.

Jimin walked in the living room where I was setting the couch for me to sleep. He asked, " whatcha doin" and of course I said "making my sleep area" he then offered to sleep on the couch but I refused. "Your so stubborn" he said. "I know" I answered back with a smile.

Jimin and I went to the bathroom. Since he was at my house often I kept a spare of everything for him. We're like brother and sister, at least to me.

Jimin thought different.

Jimin and I started to wash our face and brush our teeth. "Lisa, could you please sleep on the bed tonight, just because" I was confused so I answered, "why?" "Well I'm still afraid of the dark silly, and I get scared when I'm alone." I simply said, "then how do you sleep at your house... in the dark?"

"I have Hoseok to keep me company. We are like brothers." I made an 'o' with my mouth. "Okay" and with that I lead him to the bedroom and gave him pjs. I decided to change in the bathroom so he changed in the room. When I came out he said, "Lisa, Lisa, Lisa, always being so cute. UwU." I shrugged. "Whatever, let's sleep, I'm tiwred." I said as cute as possible. "Okay, goodnight Lisa." "Goodnight Jimin."

We both then drifted off into a deep slumber, him holding me while we slept.
How was that. I think it was pretty good, tbh. Next chapter will come soon. Go check my other book out. It's called 'Admire Me'.
Remember to smile or don't.

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