Chapter 6

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☡ Sad. Talks about Suicide. ☡

                      [Lisa's past]

Ever since Lisa was born her mother and father were married and happily in love with there child.

[At age 4]

Her parents would argue here and there.

[Age 6]

Her parent argued everyday.

[Age 7-8-9]

When she was in  school, Lisa got bullied of how she looked and how she did horrible in school. She did horrible in school because she was always hearing her parents constantly yell and scream.

[Age 12]

She started getting abused by her parents. They would hit, slap, and throw things at her. Once in a while they would pour alcohol on her and perhaps even burn her. She was starting to get physically bullied at school. Then came age..


She started to cut. Just about every day she would have to go through the bullies and get pushed around and beat up. That's also when her parents got a divorce. It was a depressing time. She felt like dying and that's what led her to suicidal thoughts. When she entered highschool Jimin showed up in her life. They became best friends. Until one day when Jimin went to knock on her door and there was no answer. Normally she would answer within seconds but that day she didn't. He was worried and so he entered the house and heard yelps and someone crying. He led himself upstairs where a door was cracked and saw Lisa slit her wrists by her window crying saying these words, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I'm useless... I'm sorry I wasn't a great child... I'm sorry... I was a mistake that should disappear. Goodbye world... I'm sorry I took up space to live here... I won't be here any longer... 1...2..-" Jimin ran into the room before Lisa could slit her wrists anymore with the razor blade. "LISAAA!!!" it was to late. She fell on the floor in Jimin's arms. He reached in his pocket dialling 911 and brought her to the hospital. Doctors told Jimin it will be awhile IF she wakes up. He cries sitting in the uncomfortable hospitals chair. Doctors came out and said she is lost a lot of blood and needs blood or she'll die. Jimin offered in no time and they took tests and cleared it to give to Lisa. She woke up a week later and found a disappointed Jimin next to her. "Why?" He asks. "I don't deserve to be here... I should be dead right now.. why am I not dead?" Jimin hugs her and says, " I gave you my blood for you to survive. I can't live if your dead. You're my everything."

[At age 17]

She completely shut down. Wouldn't let anyone in her house, she wouldn't answer her phone. She was blocking herself out of the world. Her parents had left her. Totally didn't care about her. They just wanted the money Lisa made and left. Didn't care if she was alive or dead. Jimin was the only one who could do something. He broke one of the house windows and crawled in reaching Lisa before she could self harm again. He exactly told her, "you're gonna come live with me. I can't see you hurt yourself again."

[Age 18-20]

She recovered. She wasn't cutting or hurting herself anymore. Jimin cured her. He did it.


Lisa is now living in a modern house. Jimin comes ever 3-4 day out of the week.

How was it? I tried to make it not sad but sad.

Anyways I will try to update as soon as possible .

Madyson 💚

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