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I want to keep you guys interested in this fanfic but I suck at everything, I know. I'm truly sorry. Anyways, I'm trying.

After Lisa gets out of the shower she gets dressed and walks out of her room to the living room to see a bad of chips spilled over the coffee table, the couch pillows on the floor, blankets everywhere, and.... a fort?

"Boys?" She calls out. Muffled sounds are heard in the heap of blankets in the center of her living room. Lisa laughs to herself and walks over there quietly.

Curiously, Lisa approaches the fort or whatever it is and sees a passage way in. An entry, a door.. anyways she takes the chance.

Crawling in the small way in she can see Hobi and Jimin stare blankly at her. "Hey Lisa" Both Jimin and Hobi greet me. "Heyyy" she said back. "Joining the party" Jimin says, patting a spot next to him.

"Yes I will but.. You guys also made a mess in my living room but made a castle? A fort? Whatever it is, it's cool.

"Its our kingdom" Hobi corrects. Lisa smiles and crawls over Hobi to sit in right next to Jimin. ( basically in the middle )

"This is so childish" Lisa laughs softly and sees snacks in one corner and the remote to the television in Jimin's hand.

She facepalms. "You stole my snacks too!" "Yes of course, we didn't want to go hungry!" Hobi said "in a kingdom, the king(s) wants what he wants and gets it and we wanted snacks so we got them" they both giggled.

"Welp, I should shop for more tomorrow" she makes a note to herself.


I might just end this book.
1:10 am in the morning update on a Saturday.

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